Life Without Dick
Life Without Dick
PG-13 | 05 March 2002 (USA)
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By accident, Colleen Gibson shoots and kills her gold-digging cheating boyfriend, Dick, a private eye who happens to have a hitman on his tail. Danny the hitman works for his brother-in-law, a cheerful but nasty Irish mobster, hasn't actually killed anyone, and wants to be a singer. He falls for Colleen. she likes him, too. He can solve her problem (Dick's body), she can solve his (meeting the mobster's demands that he kill people like Dick). Danny has an ex-girlfriend, who might still hold the key to his heart, two cops are sniffing around for Dick, a junk yard owner gets a conscience, and a talent show is coming up. Bullets, music, and true love are set to collide.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
LightningSparrow First of all I have to say I loved this movie. I know a lot of other people who doesn't like this, but I sure did.We start seeing Colleen coming home, and she think's her boyfriend (Dick) is cheating on her. Than she take out a gun that is in her purse, and point it at Dick. She then pulls the trigger and shots her boyfriend. She is a bit surprised, cause the guns she has, don't usually have bullets in it. Then she hides the body and is trying to live life after this "tragedy".The whole idea of a dumb blond girl who "unfortunately" kills her boyfriend, can't be anything but funny, when it's a comedy. Everyone is stupid in their own way, and they don't have any idea of what they are doing. If you like that kind of movies this is for you. Just watch it.
Robert Clarke A comedy that frankly isn't funny.TV stars Sarah "Sex and the City" Jessica Parker and Johnny "Jackass" Knoxville team up with wannabe crooner Harry Connick Jr, in a tale of a Private Investigator, his girlfriend who gets a taste for killing, and a shot shy hit-man, who wants to be a singer.Its watchable to a degree, but all in all this hour and a half could be spent doing something more meaningful like counting bricks or watching paint dry.And how many times do the characters make a joke of Knoxvilles character name - Dick. This may be funny to seven year olds, but for the rest of us its just tedious and silly, a bit like the whole film in general.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews Having seen only one other Bix Skahill film(well, actually, looking on his filmography, this is only his second film, meaning I've seen everything he's done, feature-film-wise), I must say, this is really bad compared to the other one. Chain Of Fools(which wasn't directed by Bix, only written by him... maybe that's the problem with this one?) was good for a laugh; it wasn't great, but it was original, fun and a good use of a great cast. This is a muddled mess of the genres romance and comedy, neither of which really work in this film. The jokes fall flat, the romance doesn't hold up and the characters are unlikable, one-dimensional and their actions are often illogical and out of character. The film has a number of subplots, several of which are reused from Chain Of Fools(jeez, show some imagination, will you?). Several actors from Chain Of Fools also have parts in this one, but their talents are pretty much wasted here. The film has nothing new to offer; if you've seen Chain Of Fools, you've seen what Bix can accomplish... this is, unfortunately, a mess of a movie, and a bad example of his work. The dialog is poorly written, most of the parts are overplayed, the film has no redeeming qualities and no funny moments. Please, Bix, spend more time writing the next script, OK? Or if you're going to direct again, please learn how to do so before releasing something as bad as this film. I don't really recommend this to anyone, as it's just really, really bad. Go watch Chain Of Fools(or, even better, something even funnier than that) instead. 1/10
warningspecialist This movie was much more than I expected--quirky and clever, stupid yet hysterical. Of course it was a stupid movie--I think that was what was intended. If you saw this movie and hated it, all I can say is that perhaps your expecations were too high or (more likely), you simply didn't get it. Personally, I laughed my a** off.