Life on Earth
Life on Earth
| 16 January 1979 (USA)
Life on Earth Trailers

David Attenborough's groundbreaking study of the evolution of life on our planet.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Sameer Sir David Attenborough is the greatest wildlife presenter and 'Life on Earth' most likely is the greatest nature documentary ever made. In the episodes, he talks about the story of life from the first primitive cells to the plants, animals and humans. Overall there are 13 episodes and the last one is for humans. I have this masterpiece documentary, i highly recommend anyone to watch it. I love the way how he ends the final episode. While he talks about humans began to learn different languages, the hands of people writing in different languages is seen in the video, then David Attenborough takes a paper and write the English language and that is 'Life on Earth'.
frogfrognewt Life on Earth is a comprehensive analysis of Life on this planet, ranging from the beginnings of life to the evolution of Homo sapiens. The individual episodes are chronological in relation to the colonisation and evolution of life generally. So the very first episode starts with the early earth and the environments found upon it, the last being about the great apes, with an emphasis on humans.Life on Earth explains masterfully very complex and important concepts in Biology, going so far as to describe and explain DNA and how evolution changes it. Key concepts like these are explained using certain "case studies", i.e. specific species which are entertaining (and often funny) for the spectators, that inherently pertain to the subject being discussed. So, for example, the evolution of camouflage is analysed using the peppered moth, which changed during the industrial revolution because of the smog which blackened the trees.Attenborough, nowadays, has a legendary reputation as the founder of accurate and entertaining wildlife film-making. And this is where it all started. This series is the base structure of every wildlife documentary ever made in and after the 80's. Attenborough is both a masterful story-teller and modest teacher, skillfully avoiding the two most fatal flaws in presenting, that still goes on today. Firstly, he avoids "telling" the spectators what to think or see as opposed to "showing" it to them, so they can make their own minds up, where many presenters use patronising language or over simplified explanations. And also, Attenborough remains humble throughout the whole process. Presenters today (2012) like Prof. Brian Cox seem pretentious in comparison, often appearing suddenly from behind pillars or speaking meaninglessly with the sun pointing towards the camera. Essentially, they use clever cinematography to waste screen time and "waffle" to use a technical term. Attenborough merely uses his presence as an aid for the audience, even as a guinea pig occasionally.If you haven't seen this documentary and you are often inclined to watch such a program, get the box set now. It will be the best £15 you have ever spent, and you could learn a surprising amount about nature. I know I did.HAIL! Sir David!
Jay Bowles I still remember watching the first episode of this series with my Father back in 1979. Wow, that is a long time ago! I was about twelve and sat transfixed to the television. I'd never seen anything like it and it really answered so many questions and inspired others. As mentioned elsewhere it is beautifully shot, using a great score and sound effects. Sir David's (he is now!) delivery, enthusiasm, scripting skills and knowledge shine through.Okay the sound is mono and it is not HD, but that doesn't matter. This really is a classic piece of work, like a Hitchcock. It was the first of it's kind and a must watch for all nature / evolution fans. Years later I went to University and the first episode was used as a teaching aid for year one students on the geology course; it was that good.Viewers that are students, must realise that the science of evolution has moved on and not everything is scientifically correct now. But, that adds another edge to this where you can see how our knowledge has moved on so much. For non scientists though there is much to learn and if you find yourself as visually engaged as I was at age twelve then you can then maybe settle down and work your way through the rest of the Sir David Attenborough classics! Believe me the series is well worth a watch even if you're only slightly interested in nature and evolution.
giraffelover I wish I would have the whole series on video because this breathtaking event is a must-see for everybody who is interested in nature. David Attenborough shows footage which was never seen before. "Life on Earth" belongs to the most important television series of all time because it shows that the life on our planet is in danger to disappear forever. We need more series like "Life on Earth". Maybe then the mankind will understand that we can't do with our earth what we want.