Some things I liked some I did not.
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Janae Milner
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Hayleigh Joseph
This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
George Parker
"Lies" tells about an affair between an 18 year old bucktoothed female student and a scrawny 38 year old married man with the pair of protags spending about half the screen time engaged in naked sex and hokey whipping and the other half meandering through the pathetically naive storyline which seems little more than an excuse for the sex scenes. With very poor production value including obvious sanitary appliances and phony softcore sex to a story which is a messy mix of comedy and drama, "Lies" quickly becomes redundant ad nauseam. With an almost 2 hour run, subtitles, and so little substance, "Lies" is simply not recommendable. (C-)
When I first popped this DVD in, I had no idea what I was in store for. Sure, I read the description on the back and the reviewers quotes and I knew it was unrated, but I had no idea... Lies is a bold film. Whether you despise the places it dares to go or admire it for going there, you cannot argue the fact that it goes to the outer most limit. At times I found myself queasy, sometimes out of how graphic the sex was and other times out of a feeling that I was uncomfortable for the actors for being that naked -- i'm not talking about just their skin -- i mean their vulnerability being in those scenes to begin with. Although I would usually ask what the point of a movie this raw is, in this case I have to say that I'm really glad that I saw it. I don't know what you walk away with from it, but I do know that I'm always psyched to see something different cinematically than what I already know and surprisingly satisfied to discover a film that I didn't know existed. Lies delivered both. I can't really put my finger on what it is about the film and it's not my type (AT ALL) but it's worth it. For some intangible reason, it is worth it and has much merit.If you're not uptight and can deal with watching thing that you would probably not venture nor wish to do and want to see a filmmaker totally unashamed and unfazed at exploring a genre, then this is a movie that is definitely worth seeing. 7/10.
I just got back from seeing the new Korean film "Lies," a portrayal of a consensual BDSM relationship between an 18-year-old student and a 38-year-old sculptor.First, the bad stuff: it's not a very good movie. Amateurishly filmed, with shaky camera work and some of the weirdest directorial decisions I've ever seen. This is not "Last Tango In Paris" or anything like it.But if you can get past that, what's left at the core is one of the most sympathetic, honest and realistic portrayals I've ever seen of BDSM as it's actually played. The two types of players -- the sculptor is a primary sadomasochist, whose needs for BDSM play are strong, innate and non-situation-dependent; the student is a secondary sadomasochist, who derives her enjoyment of BDSM from her partner's reaction -- are accurately and sympathetically portrayed. Consent is scrupulously observed, with plenty of check-ins and other good communciation. The emotional reactions to play are dead-on. The bad things that happen in the movie take place because of outside intervention by the vanilla world, not because there's anything wrong or sick about the couple themselves.As far as I could tell, most of the scenes of BDSM play were real, not staged or faked -- and they're intense. Switchings, canings, paddlings -- with lingering camera shots afterwards of welts and bruises. (One scat play scene was apparently faked, which was OK by me - shudder.) Some of the play was not up to community standards of safe technique; a shot of a garden hose thudding down right across the woman's kidneys had me cringing. But it also seemed true to what might happen in a culture which provides no information or support for its kinkyfolk.Well worth seeing in a theater if you live in an urban center where it's showing, or adding to your video collection later on if you can find it.
...but this South Korean hunk of porn with pretensions was. The account of an S&M relationship between a schoolgirl and a dirty old man, LIES keeps making feints at art-movieness that suggest the silly "socially redeeming" side of stuff like I AM CURIOUS YELLOW. (In one particularly embarrassing conceit, the non-actors playing the leads discuss their discomfort at doing sex scenes.Ah, the Brechtianness of it all!) To think that crap like Catherine Breillat's ROMANCE and this monstrosity get shown in America's arthouses, while the latest Bela Tarr, Godard and Hou are sitting on the shelf, is an injustice of Katherine Harris proportions.