Lethal Eviction
Lethal Eviction
R | 10 March 2005 (USA)
Lethal Eviction Trailers

A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Topaz1922 Surprisingly, this movie was entertaining! It is a little slow in the beginning but as the movie progresses, it keeps your attention.The movie has many twists that will at some point have you thinking you know who the killer is and then all of sudden, you think it's another tenant when all along it was the least suspecting one.The movie lacks some directorial flaws and a few common sense errors when eluding a killer but aside from these minor details, the movie was suspenseful.I didn't give it a 10 because I didn't like the direction the the director chose to go with th ending. However, I would recommend you see it.
lathe-of-heaven Okay, to me personally Michael Learned's performance was HORRIBLE, not 'Brilliant', as another reviewer here has stated. Interestingly, the Direction was just about the ONLY thing that was actually pretty good. The visuals, camera work, framing, editing, etc. weren't really bad at all; there were some nice transitions and the look and mood of the film were pretty decent. BUT... that was just about it... The acting was NOT 'Passable'; overall it was horrible with moments of okayness (okayness...?) Anyway, YES Judd Nelson was indeed sleepwalking through this; you could almost hear him saying to himself ('I'm getting paid for this; I'm getting paid for this...') Normally, I give a LOT of slack to this kind of film. My 2 favorite directors (dead and alive, respectively) are Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch, so I'm no stranger to the 'Strange'... But... this script was REALLY bad; man oh man, was it bad.So, perhaps if the script and the actors had been better, THEN MAYBE with the above average direction and the half way decent concept, I think it might have had a good chance to come out a LOT better...
slayrrr666 "Lethal Eviction" is an underwhelming and dreadful slasher.**SPOILERS**Months after a tragic accident, Sarah Swinton, (Jennifer Carpenter) moves into a new apartment to keep an eye on her twin sister Tessie, (Jennifer Carpenter) who's having problems controlling her. When new owner Gus Winters, (James Avery) and his daughter Amanda, (Stacey Dash) take control of the building, the tenets begin to take the changes in as new rules are laid down. As the tenets get more used to each other, new tenet Bill Shepard, (Judd Nelson) moves in who has a history with Tessie, and soon the other tenets start to get killed off in brutal fashion. With more of the tenets disappearing, they start to discover a shocking secret about one of the tenets isn't who they've said to be and are the killer that's been lurking around the apartment.The Good News: This one here does manage to get in some good moments in when it tries to. This one's at its best when it details the stalking scenes in the end. The main chase at the end, where the three remaining tenets chase each over through several floors of the apartment. That it starts on the second one, goes through several rooms and then goes down to the basement for an extended chase down there as well. The action continues down there as well, with a great confrontation that really does a lot of good for the film. There's the obligatory stumble-across-the-victims routine, the fight with the killer and the revelation of the twist to the others who don't know it. That twist ending, while seen coming from a mile away and isn't that new, still manages to work over a few of the others out there and the characters manage to fall for it as well. There's even a few great deaths scenes, including one set on fire in a pool of paint thinner, another impaled on a mounted reindeer head's antlers, a stabbing in the neck with a butcher knife, drowning in a bathtub of water while the victim's paralyzed and more. All these elements are the only things going for it.The Bad News: This here is an incredibly underwhelming slasher with a lot going against it. One of the biggest problems is that it's sometimes hard to call this a slasher film. There's way too few a body count here than most would really allow, and that leaves a real dearth of kill scenes available here. The fact that they're spread so far out in the film is another thing to deal with. Because it stacks up the real deaths until the final third of the film and leaves nothing much before then to bump up the kills in the film. This is mainly due to the fact that most of the film is taken up using the story of the sisters and their relationship with each other. This takes up the majority of the second half of the movie and there's a few problems involved with it. The main one is that there's hardly any time in the film for any kills or deaths. This takes up a massive amount of time in the film and this is the biggest complaint about that. When it takes away from what the film's main agenda, which is to provide a lot of horror and scares, having the majority of the film devoted to doing something that's guaranteed not to deliver in those areas, and it really does stick out in the film. The other problem is that it sets up a twist that everyone can see coming due to the very nature of it being used. The very fact of including it in the film means that many know it will come into play, and it does, following through point-by-point exactly without fail, which is a real sad thing no matter what as there's absolutely no way that it will fool anyone. This is done pretty much according to how every version does it with no exception, and that doesn't give it any extra qualities. This, mainly, is the reason for the film's shortcomings.The Final Verdict: Mostly tied down for several big reasons, this is a really underwhelming and disappointing quasi-slasher. Only the most hardcore slasher fans are advised to check this one out, while it's big handicap will be the one that everyone really hammers it for.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and drug use
rts718 This movie was supposed to be a thriller, but it turned out to be a silly comedy, and I am being kind when I say this. Judd Nelson is an excellent actor, but in this movie he has a consistent blank stare on his face. This in itself was funny. I was surprised to see actress Michael Lerned, who played the mother on the television series 'The Waltons.' I don't know if it was the make-up job or what, but she looked terribly older looking than from when I remembered her in the 70's. The direction was poor, photography was slightly better, and the acting was passable(except for Michael Lerned who played her role brilliantly).It did not take a rocket scientist to find out who was doing the 'evicting' of the tenants in this run down apartment dwelling. Just give it 30 minutes and you will know. This movie is just another slasher movie without any teenagers in it.I'm sorry everyone, but this movie was just plain lousy. Judd Nelson and Michael Lerned's talents were wasted in this one, and I'm surprised they even agreed to do this movie. Evict this movie please...lol Richie, Bronx, New York
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