Left Luggage
Left Luggage
| 30 March 1998 (USA)
Left Luggage Trailers

While escaping from Nazis during the WWII, a Jewish man dug suitcases full of things dear to his heart in the ground two. The war deprived him of his family, and afterwards he endlessly turns over the soil of Antwerp to find the suitcases, which makes him look obsessed. He keeps checking old maps and keeps digging, trying to find, in fact, those he lost. His daughter Chaya is a beautiful modern girl looking for a part-time job. She finds a place as a nanny in the strictly observant Chassidic family with many children, although her secular manners clearly fly in the face of many commandments. One of the reasons she is accepted is that mother of the family is absolutely overburdened by the household, so she stays despite the resistance of the father, normally - an indisputable authority in the family. She develops a special bond with the youngest of the boys, four-year old Simcha, so far incapable of speaking.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
brianhobi I watched this with my wife because she is sensitive and intellectual. I was left in a stooper. My eyes glazed over and then rolled up into the back of my head. I could not stay awake. I love my wife. She is the love of my life. The fact that I would even attempt to sit in one place for the entire movie is evidence of my willingness to endure great suffering on her behalf.I am now told that I need to write 10 lines of text in order for my review to be post-worthy. I have a life. Why am I doing this? I can tell you why, because I thought it would be fun and easy. Now, it has become an endurance test - just like the movie. I am going to bed now. I need to sleep.By the way, my wife really loved the movie... and I love her... and she loves me. I guess that is what tolerance is all about.
KevinBeckett I initially balked at watching this movie. However, after being persuaded to do so I was happily surprised.Laura Fraser has done an excellent job in portraying a young woman who is a bridge between cultures.Isabella Rossellini also does an good job as the mother.All in all, a very good movie, and a nice surprise.
andy.goldfinger Chassidim wear dark clothing and follow strict religious rules. Therefore, many people tend to think of them as dour, repressive, and joyless. Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, Chassidism stresses joy, music, and a passion for life. All of this is absent from the movie.It is a shame that the people making this movie had no actual knowledge of Chassidic society. Or -- if they did -- that they chose to ignore it. They shamelessly play to the negative stereotypes, presenting a psychologically abusive father in a repressive society. Oh -- the movie is well done and well acted, but it is so distorted in its portrayal of Chassidic subculture that it comes out to be offensive.
Sailor Leila I know, I stick my neck out with that summary, but this was one of those rare movies that genuinely surprised me. I flicked onto it by accident and it seemed interesting, and I am so pleased I saw it - and I will be watching it many times again in the future. Laura Fraser, who I haven't seen in many other movies (certainly none as memorable as this), is simply astounding in her performance as a modern Jewish girl confronted by an old-fashioned Jewish family in the 1970s. She befriends a young boy and becomes very attached to him. This relationship, I felt, was built in a genuinely heartwarming way.Laura Fraser is not the only surprise - there is also the performances of Maximilian Schell and Isabella Rosselini, not to mention the great supporting cast of adults and many children.To bring this theme into a 'modern' setting (and though the film is set in the 70s it could almost be today) is a difficult task, and this film not only succeeds, it shines. If you happen to fall upon this movie, don't pass it by because you wouldn't want to miss it.