R | 19 August 2003 (USA)
Leeches! Trailers

When a crop of doped-up athletes from the Lakecrest College swim team dive into the campus lake to blow off some steam, the bloodsucking leeches below the surface undergo a stunning transformation. After ingesting small amounts of the swimmers' steroid-laced blood, the slimy creatures grow to unusual sizes and set out to sink their teeth into an unsuspecting student population.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Micitype Pretty Good
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Traveshamockery Yes, this movie is ridiculous. Yes, it's does have a vaguely gay-porno-film vibe. Even the freakish monster-leeches are phallic, despite simultaneously looking like oven mitts. Still, the homo-erotic aspects of the film remain more implicit than explicit, so that you find yourself looking around the room asking everyone else: Does anybody else think this is a little . . . queer? By the end of the film, there's really not much doubt about whether the filmmakers intended it to be screened as such, but it's the process of enjoying every bizarre moment of innuendo that makes this film a winner. I should also mention that for a horror movie, it's less scary than just hokey, but some of us get a kick out of that. I highly recommend this film to horror fans who enjoy the opportunity to make politically/socially subversive readings of film texts--because your work is pretty much done for you.
shogun_93 I'm not quite sure what to say other than this was quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. I felt, after watching it, that years had been sucked from my very life. It made me want to cry out and put my fist through the television. This movie is so terrible, its not even good enough to criticize a la Mystery Science Theatre. Save yourself, avoid this film. The special effects are below mediocre, the plot is simple enough for a young child, the scenes of "tension and fear" make one want to wretch at the, not even joke of an attempt at horror. The camera work can only be tolerated by someone with high motion sickness capacity, and the script, the script must have been shot out of Hell itself. This movie belongs at the bottom of a lake.
Paul Andrews Leeches! is set in & around 'Lakecrest College' somewhere in California where lately hunky dude Jason (Josh Henderson) has been having disturbing nightmares. Together with his girlfriend Casey (Stacey Nelson) they come to the conclusion that the steroids he has been taking may be responsible, you see Jason is aiming to get a swimming scholarship & has been taking steroids supplied by his best friend Stevo (Matthew Twining). It's not like the rest of the swimming team aren't taking them is it? As Stevo & Jason take a dip in a river blood-sucking leeches attach themselves to their backs & start drinking. They eventually discover the leeches & pull them off but don't kill them... Having drunk steroid loaded blood the leeches mutate into, well, bigger leeches. As an important swimming contest fast approaches Stevo puts pressure on another team member named Tony (Stephen Swan) to take a whole bag of steroids for even better performance, unfortunately Tony ends up in the river where even more leeches feast upon his blood which has a seriously high steroid content. It's not long before Lakecrest College is overrun with giant blood-sucking slimy mutant leeches & the students are on the menu...Co-produced & directed by David DeCoteau, who according to the IMDb also has a small uncredited role in the film as Franklin the Walkie Talkie Voice(!), Leeches! is a very poor film throughout. The script by Michael Gingold could have been decent fun as a creature feature type horror but instead it's just lame, it's boring & has no depth as it skates over & all but ignores the drug usage issue. The character's are awful, the dialogue sucks & everyone is one dimensional teenage leech food & wouldn't you notice or feel a huge mutant leech crawling up your naked back? It's one of those films which has an outrageous premise & promises so much but in the end I simply couldn't wait for it to end, speaking of the end there's a 'twist' which comes from nowhere & seemed totally pointless. The body count is low & the leeches themselves are far from scary or threatening, in fact the real leeches used at the start are more effective than the stupid rubber ones.Leeches! was one of two films director DeCoteau made during '03, the other being Speed Demon (2003), so you can probably guess the sort of time & commitment spent on Leeches! First of all it's true what everyone says about Leeches!, DeCoteau uses & films as many half naked young guys as he can. I can't remember a shot where a guy actually had a shirt on to be honest, constant shots of young men in their speedos as DeCoteau's camera can't get enough of it! Surprisingly this was shot in a 2:35:1 aspect ratio (basically you will have thick bars at the top & bottom of the screen if you see it that way) which could have given DeCoteau the opportunity to make a nice looking & stylish film, he obviously passed the opportunity up. The violence & gore is as restrained as possible, someone coughs some blood up, a few leech bite marks & a decent bit where a wire slices through someone's throat. For some bizarre & highly annoying reason DeCoteau films the weak attack scenes with quick cuts & with strobe lighting effects which happen during the attack's but not before or after, the words cheap 'n' nasty spring to mind.With a budget that probably wouldn't cover a round of drinks Leeches! is a pretty shoddy production that was probably made with the video/DVD market in mind. Low production values, really poor special effects as the leeches themselves are mostly just glove puppets & are only filmed from half way up their bodies & Leeches! just has that cheap vibe throughout.Leeches! is a pretty poor film, to it's credit it's short & it moves along at a fair pace although generally speaking it's just poor. If you enjoy looking at half naked young guys then Leeches! is definitely for you, if you enjoy a good horror film then Leeches! definitely isn't for you.
anxietyresister In what is possibly the most unscary horror film ever made, college students are having the blood sucked out of them by the terrible creatures in the title. Er.. why not just stay out of the water, then? Unfortunately, this bunch of morons are the stupidest people ever to graduate.. so we get scene after scene of them diving in, despite being given plenty of warnings about the danger. In fact, it is impossible to care whether they live or die after a while, their behaviour is so idiotic and suicidal. So instead, why not sit back and enjoy the plastic toys that are supposed to pass for leeches and the worse acting you'll see outside pantomime. And this little treasure was made in 2003. The mind boggles.. 0/10