Late Marriage
Late Marriage
NR | 17 May 2002 (USA)
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Zaza is a 31-year old Israeli bachelor, handsome and intelligent, and his family wants to see him married. But tradition dictates that Zaza has to choose a young virgin. She must be beautiful and from a good family, preferably rich. Zaza's parents, Yasha and Lily drag Zaza to meet potential brides and their families. Zaza has no choice. He plays along with his family, advocates of the suffocating traditions of their Georgian Jewish heritage. But Zaza always manages to somehow get out of being engaged. What his parents don't know is that Zaza is already in love. Judith is sensuous, strong and intriguing. She's also a divorcée with a 6-year-old daughter. So Zaza has kept Judith a secret from his family. He will have to choose between respect of the strict confines of family and tradition, or the love of his life.

FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
bkbcp-1 This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is a must for both the young and old from traditional, patriarchal societies and countries from all over the world . The younger generation's victimization by the older generation and the symbiotic nature of relations between the people is brought out beautifully. Arranged marriages, the prolonged dependence of children on the parents, the stigma of divorce, the inability to escape from the clutches of one's parents and one's culture by the youth who are too controlled/castrated to rebel are depicted so well that people from all such suffocating cultures can immediately identify with the movie. Kudos to the director ! I pray that these "cultures" evolve soon and take a page from the west instead of vilifying the western culture.
Lol Fow (Lolabel) I went to see this movie having being told it was a comedy, and it is - until it takes an inevitable and disturbing turn. It's tragi-comedy in the purest, old-Greek sense, where the humour and the dread fuel each other. The star of the film is Lior Ashkenazi, a handsome, charismatic actor who plays Zaza as a complex character - in turn sexy and easy to root for, then weak and pitiable. The sex scene the film is famed for isn't particularly sexy, it is, instead horribly intimate - it's like a scene from your own bed, and the familiarity of it is shocking in a great way. Plus, the lack of fuss concerning nudity is marvellous - perhaps we do live in a civilized, modern world after all? The ending of the film is also disturbing, and in the end the movie isn't easy to take. I wouldn't want it any other way, but it makes repeat viewings difficult.
mikepwong Rating: 8 out of 10. Directed by Dover Koshashvili. This film takes place in Israel and is about a very traditional Georgian-Jewish immigrant family. The main character is Zaza, played superbly by Lior Loui Ashkenazi. Early on in the film, we see the 31-year-old Zaza take part with his family as they play matchmaker for him, introducing him to much younger beautiful eligible women of suitable ethnic backgrounds, and wealthy if possible. Zaza has been introduced to many potential brides, without success, yet his family will not give up.Zaza is not interested in the women that his family tries to pair him up with. He is involved with an older lovely divorced single mother named Judith, played by Ronit Elkabetz. Since his family would not approve of Judith, Zaza has never mentioned her to them. Zaza's family suspect that Zaza has a lover and stake out Judith's home. After parking in front of Judith's home all day and into the night, Zaza arrives to visit Judith and her daughter, not long after wards, Zaza's mother, father, sister, grandmother, two aunts, and two uncles barge in on Zaza and Judith. The family members call Judith a whore. Zaza's mother says that she would never allow a divorced woman enter their family. Zaza's father goes on about how in their family, the wife is always younger than the husband. The family demands that the relationship ends. Zaza reluctantly acquiesces to his family's demands. The last scene is a bit strange, but at least it wasn't a `Hollywood' ending. This is a great movie for drama-comedy fans and people with an interest in foreign films.
B24 Apparently certain viewers are easily satisfied with this slice of exotic ethnicity sans the usual requirements of coherence and direction. I am not. As some have noted, it can be defined as a comedy only by some rather twisted logic. That involves the presumption that it is intended as an ironic portrayal of deeply flawed human behavior at odds with contemporary social norms.My own take is that everyone except the dog and the little girl seem to have come out of case studies in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). From the obese mother to the passive-aggressive son to the to the whole pack of stolid relatives who act as if nothing is strange about how they lead their lives, everything seems just plain weird.As has been noted, the love-making scene is not badly done. And the acting prowess of Ronit Elkabetz should garner some future attention. I would say the same for the dog, but I don't see him credited.A klezmer version of "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White" opens the final scene that deteriorates from there both in terms of plausibility and structural unity. Credits rolled without warning just as I was in the midst of a great yawn.
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