Last of the Living
Last of the Living
NR | 03 May 2009 (USA)
Last of the Living Trailers

A contagious virus is turning everyone into zombies, and the only hope for survival lies in the hands of three couch potatoes.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
bamoore2 This movie was definitely not what I thought it was going to be when I bought this online. I expected a better quality film with a stronger plot. This film's acting was not very great at all, the quality of the filming was not very advanced either (come on guys.)a and the plot was very thin. Who wants to watch three guys run around. The fight scenes did not even look real one bit. It was funny at times, but I feel as if the movie was just an entire joke with some people messing around. Zombies farting? Really? I like zombie movies but this just was not up to standard.I would not recommend buying this movie, but if you must, rent it or watch it on Netflix.
Tommy Dip When I first heard of the movie with elements of horror and comedy, I thought this would be an enjoyable "Shawn of the Dead" kind of zombie flick. But no, it is pretty much a terrible movie. The plot is pretty much missing for the first third of the movie. Three couch potatoes somehow manage through the zombie apocalypse and are living in a mansion doing nothing but goofing off. They also don't even take the whole situation seriously, they treat it as a joke. Furthermore there are almost no zombies throughout the whole movie. There are literally only about 50. Later on they meet a girl named Stiff where suddenly a plot surfaces about taking a sample of the undead's blood to find a cure. Then the 3 males only want to help her because they all want to impress her, very cliché. Dumb jokes, bad acting, stupid dialogue, terrible special effects and atrocious ending make it a bad movie. But that's not to say i did not enjoy the movie. Yes, I just complained about almost all aspects of the film. However I watched this with my friends on a late Friday night and we had a fun time. The jokes and special effects are very amateur but that's what made us laugh. It's so bad it's funny! So grab some friends, pop some popcorn and don't expect much and you should have an enjoyable hour and a half. Four out of 10 stars.
Renaldo Matlin I'll admit it; the fun looking DVD cover fooled me into thinking I would love this. Well that and the fact that I normally worship anything with zombies and count George Romero as my God. Add on top of that the fact that "Last of the Living" was made in New Zealand, the country that brought us cult-classics "Braindead" and "Black Sheep" and I was soon hoping this could be one of those rare low budget zombie flicks with originality, real heart and soul.Sadly I was mistaken.Don't get me wrong. As far as low budget zombie romps go this is an OK time filler, but with a few major complaints: the characters are just plain uninteresting. With the exception of nerdy Ash the characters come off as paper-thin and downright boring. The film opens with scenes of 'Morgan' and for a while seem to focus on him as a type of "main" hero, which I couldn't get, since he seemed like a first-rate selfish prick, not to mention a bully to his friend Ash. Then there is the annoying soundtrack, a mix between public domain Apple software sound bytes and tripe rock music probably made by some friends of the director who he is doing his darnedest to promote here. The plot is so weak that not even a pimped up old Ford Cortina helps, although I'm sure the idea of such a car seemed awesome on paper. However, for some reason the shoddy directing, cinematography and overall production quality seem to greatly improve in the last 20 minutes. The film suddenly goes from slow-moving to fast-paced, even including some charming scene transitions! What happened there? Was it the sudden increase of an extra 40,000 dollars in the budget that the IMDb trivia talks about???One piece of warning to the people behind "Last of the Living": It's impossible not to notice a tag line on the DVD comparing it to "Shaun of the Dead". Woha, big mistake! By doing so you are automatically setting yourself up for one hell of a beating, and some helpful advice to the filmmakers: you won't gain any fans when you start off by insulting the greatest zombie comedy ever made! Where "Shaun" was laced with originality, first-rate acting, inspired directing and classic comedy moments, "Last of the Living" is dominated by an unoriginal plot (if you can call it a plot), so-so acting, average-at-best directing and only a couple laugh-out-loud moments (which both include fart jokes). But again, meh... being a sucker for zombie movies in general I'll give it 4 out of 10 stars thanks to the last 20 minutes and at least one credible performance from Ashleigh Southam as 'Ash' (but Bruce Campbell he ain't).
dbborroughs Horror comedy about three slackers who end up hooked up with a beautiful girl who may or may not have the solution to the zombie plague.You've seen this before, Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland come first to mind. Never mind whole sequences in the George Romero zombie films. Its the sort of film that makes you wonder why this was made when the filmmakers aren't really bringing anything new to the table, even though it kind of feels like they think they are.Actually thats wrong, they do bring one spectacularly great thing to the table, the opening news sequence. The opening sequence of one of our heroes going through a deserted city inter-cut with news footage of riots and police and officials talking of the problem is brilliant. Its the sort of thing that raises the bar in similar films and makes you wish that the rest of the film was on that high (classic) level. After that its all down hill and while the film is amusing, it never is great again.Worth a look for zombie fans. All others may want to think about it first.