Last Hero in China
Last Hero in China
PG-13 | 01 April 1993 (USA)
Last Hero in China Trailers

Jet Li stars in this comic spectacle as a Chinese "Robin Hood" who stumbles upon a kidnapping scheme after unwittingly opening a martial arts school next to a brothel!

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
leonblackwood Review: I quite enjoyed this funny authentic movie about a monk whose investigating the mysterious disappearance of girls in his village. With the help of some of the people in his Kung Fu class and a brothel owner, don't ask, they find out that there is much more going on in there village then they expected. For a person that doesn't like subtitles, I actually didn't mind reading the well put together script which was witty and full of twists and turns. It's not very often that you see Buddha monks living next to a brothel in a authentic oriental movie and the different characters made the film funny and a joy to watch. Once again, the flying fighting scenes spoil the action, but after watching a few Jet Li movies, I'm kind of getting use to it now. Enjoyable!Round-Up: One of the things that made me laugh in this film was when they were fighting and naming the styles that they were using. It really reminded me of the old Kung Fu movies that I used to watch when I was young. I didn't get the point of the corrupt police officer who kept on laughing all of the time or why they were feeding people a deaf drug but maybe I missed some of the plot whilst reading the subtitles. Anyway, it's definitely worth a watch if your into movies in this genre.Budget: N/A Worldwide Gross: HK$18millionI recommend this movie to people who are into their Jet Li movies about a Buddha monk whose investigating the mysterious disappearance of girls in his village. 6/10
hayabusa-1 To completely understand what a comedic gem "the Last Hero in China" is you must first see Tsui Hark's "Once Upon a Time in China" series.Wong Jing's version of the Wong Fei-Hung story takes everything from Tsui Hark's adaptation and turns it on its head in the most amusing of ways. A stark contrast to the somber and serious tones of OUATIC, "The Last Hero in China" is whimsical, farcical, and downright funny at times all without wasting the Kung Fu genius that is Yuen Woo Ping. If ever there was a movie that showcased the warped insane comedic mind of Wong Jing and the technical Kung Fu wizardry of Yuen Woo ping "The Last Hero in China" is the prototype example.There are SO many reasons not to miss this film! Jet Li as Wong Fei-Hung taking on Gordon Liu as the "perverted monk leader of a heresy". This is one of those fantasy matchups kids dream about like "who would win in a fight Superman or Batman?" and the verbal exchange between the two as the fight concludes is just hilarious.Postitutes dancing and jiggling while singing their own parody of the Wong Fei-Hung theme song.Officer Liu and his incessant maniacal laughing! A pimp named "Mass Tar Wong"Jet Li in his chicken outfit fighting "chicken style" with real chicken clucks dubbed in as our hero struts and poses like a chicken.Jet Li's drunken boxing!!!!!! This isn't another "Once Upon a Time in China" movie, but rather a send up of the series. Having seen that series directed by Tsui Hark, as well as other films directed by "The last Hero in China"'s Wong Jing will help you appreciate the humor in this movie so much more than just having seen it on its own."The Last Hero in China" is to "Once Upon a Time in China" as "Men in Tights" is to serious "Robin Hood" movies.7 stars
gridoon First of all, I'd like to make it clear that I'm commenting on the "Deadly China Hero" version of this movie, which apparently is several minutes shorter than the "Last Hero In China" version. The latter may be a decent movie; the former is just as bad as "Kung Fu Cult Master", if not worse. No self-respecting adult can possibly enjoy this silly trash; no kid can possibly understand it. There is much more wire-fu than kung-fu here: when people are in the air, they either float or they go UP, not down. As for the plot, it's something about evil monks and kidnapped women and a mysterious temple and a lion-dancing vs. centipede-dancing's totally impossible to follow. Oh, and the picture quality is awful. I don't know about "Last Hero In China", but "Deadly China Hero" is a "zero stars" movie all the way.
wesle827 The movie over all was good besides the fact you had to read. It was lacking something it had fei-hong as a sort of priest. It didn't have him as one who would easily get into trouble. his drunken style lack any of his original forms for instance no miss or angel Ho, he use tiger and crane. Not what SEED taught him.