Larry the Cable Guy: Git-R-Done
Larry the Cable Guy: Git-R-Done
| 23 May 2004 (USA)
Larry the Cable Guy: Git-R-Done Trailers

With his trademark cries of "Git-R-Done" and "What the hell is this, Russia?," Larry the Cable Buy is one of the country's funniest comedians. A veteran of Comedy Central and Evening at the Improv, with his best selling CD "Lord, I apologize," now you can enjoy an entire DVD of this irresistible entertainer at the top of his form.

Ploydsge just watch it!
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jamiem-20 It's funny. You should watch it. I liked the Christmas Carols "Get a job you bum bum bum bum, money don't grow on trees you bum bum bum bum", "Oh come all illegal immigrants, come and get them green cards and learn some damn English and then how to drive" and many more XD. I saw Health Inspector (it was 7 star worthy) and Cars (own it). I wanna see Delta Farce but I don't if it's good enough to see. This was the best Larry stand-up ever. Some of his routines are from "The Right to Bare Arms" and "Lord I apologize". The PC people are not allowed to view this film nor Delta Farce nor Health Inspector. No PC people for Larry. So rent it, watch it, laugh out loud and if you love it, buy it.
BigSexy77 I heard many of my friends talking about Larry the cable guy and said how funny he is so I decided to rent this and I thought it was hilarious especially the Christmas songs he sang they were funny as hell. He is one of my favorite comedians like Carlos Mencia and Dave Chappelle. Me and my friends also saw the health inspector and he was the only reason I saw cars. Larry is a great comedian and I hope we see more movies of him in the future.Larry the Cable guy is also on Blue collar TV which I love to watch and has a large amount of entertainment value. God I cannot wait to see his other movie Delta Farce. Git R Done.
funswngcpl-1 I have been a Larry the Cable Guy fan for years so this was long over due. Sit back and laugh, it is that simple. He hits the country way of life and everyone can relate to it.My dad used to play records (these are plastic things you put on on record player) of Jerry Clower and laugh for hours at the stories he would tell of his family and their antics. Larry the Cable Guy is my generation's Jerry Clower. Don't over analysis his comedy, just sit back and laugh. No hidden jokes or political statements like so many comics are trying to make, just good ole fashion "I want to hear you laugh comedy".If you don't get it, then, chill out have a beer and listen to it all over again. My dad laughed his ass off listening to this DVD the first time and was so excited that a "new" Jerry Clower type humor could make it in this world with out the F-bombs every other word.Larry's insight into the world is nothing less than a very deep perspective of how we should view this world and that is with just a little humor and a lot of common sense.And NO this isn't politically correct, but then again the world isn't either.Git R done and check it out.JC
MovieAddict2016 Larry the Cable Guy represents everything wrong with America today. He embodies the racism, intolerance, crudity, immaturity, and generally unpleasant nature of a lot of people. He's an unfunny bigot -- but more than that, he's a fraud. He claims to be from the south -- and indeed has built his entire comedy career on this -- but he actually grew up in the mid-west and his name is Dan Whitney. He doesn't actually speak with a southern twang accent -- it's all a persona he fits into to make money. There are some rare video clips of him out there where he speaks without an accent, any redneck "Git-R-Done" fans should check them out for a shock.I was watching an interview with "Larry" on CMT a few nights ago and he said he doesn't pay attention to the detractors because he "does this for the fans." He admitted that most of his fans are 14-year-old boys and therein lies the problem: Larry appeals to young teenage boys, and his entire comedy routine is the equivalent of visiting a random teenage boy's home and eavesdropping on his conversations with friends.Larry does something that another annoying loudmouth fraud, Carlos Mencia (real name: Ned), does: if you don't laugh at his jokes, he says you don't understand them. Or he talks down to you.When people don't laugh at his crude toilet humor, Larry says, "I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there." Right. Maybe for those of us who lived near nuclear plants as children.Larry spews wonderfully humorous one-liners, such as, "You ever tuck your weeny in between your legs and look in the mirror to see what it'd be like if you were a girl?" Yeah. Great stuff, Larry.A very prescient, witty and insightful comedian. He's the next Lenny Bruce.