Larks on a String
Larks on a String
| 01 February 1990 (USA)
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In post-WWII Communist Czechoslovakia, several characters considered bourgeois are sentenced to work in a junkyard for rehabilitation. Among them is a young man who pines for a female convict.

Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Emil Bakkum Seeing the film "Larks on a string" is one of those surprises, that make life pleasant. It reminds of the famous Charlie Chaplin film "Modern times", so need I say more? The main characters run the risk of being crushed by the anonymous system, but they are somehow saved by their decent nature. Indeed "Larks on a string" ends with the incitement to "find yourself". Still it is not a banal remake of "Modern times". In fact the many stereotypes and the surrealistic scenery (mainly a depot for disposed metals) remind of the Monty Python shows. The film was banned by the Leninist state, and therefore western spectators tend to assume that it must be critical about the system. However, this is not self-evident. Remember that the state financed its production in the first place! Indeed the scripts of Leninist films are often critical, but they target the human nature, and not the system! On the other hand in this case the narrative is truly atrabilious in its view on society. The only decent people appear to be the outcasts, the caught fugitives, and surprisingly the president. The president is unworldly, and seems to miss out on what happens around him. In fact his attitude is rather confounding, for without him the film would be just a criticism of the former Stalinist regime. The scenes of the prison camp (including barracks with straw mattresses, barbed wire and watch towers), the security police and the prison guards are depressing. Fortunately they are ridiculed in a Chaplin-Monty-like way, which is quite funny. For instance the guard falls in love with a picture of an angle and two children. The propaganda officer has glasses like saucers. The pioneer leader shows the fugitives to her class, and sighs: "The fascist beast never sleeps!" The little pioneers themselves try to tie red scarfs around the necks of the outcasts. The security officers drive around in an old nazist luxury car, and they seem to be everywhere. The outcasts are transported to the railway station in order to cheer the visiting president. The trade-union leader puts on a cap, when he enters the mill. There is a moving scene, when the fugitives and outcasts form a chain and hand on what appears to be cartridge shells. And of course there is the Chaplin-like innocent love affair between a fugitive and an outcast. Since she is imprisoned, they marry "by proxy" (a find of the local party official). In short, "Larks on a string" is recommended warmly. In order to really appreciate the mockery, you might consider seeing a "serious" Leninist film. For instance, "Spur der Steine". There are plenty among my reviews. And don't forget to comment, I love it!
Ilpo Hirvonen Before Larks on a String, Jiri Menzel had made his most famous film Closely Watched Trains (1966) which even won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film. Larks on a String wasn't such a big success because it was immediately banned in 1969 when it was made. The new fresh waves that came to Czechoslovakia in the 1960's made the making of the film possible and it was made in the spirit of the revolution -- The Prague Spring in 1968. Even that Menzel has always been a humanist as an artist his views were this time too much for the communist politicians and therefore he got a five-year prohibition for making movies; and Larks on a String wasn't released until the fall of communism in 1990.I have had the privilege to see this wonderfully absurd film twice on the television. It is a warm-hearted story about an industrial scrap yard where "volunteers" produce cheap steel. In this yard a group of volunteers are being re-educated from their filthy bourgeois lives to loyal workers in the name of socialism. The group includes a musician, a philosopher, a dairyman, a barber, a prosecutor and a young chef. On the other side of the yard there is a group of female prisoners who are working for trying to defect. Without the strict rules, boundaries and supervision, romantic relationships start to build between these characters.In Larks on a String Menzel achieves to relay his view on the poetry of life. But the lyricism of the film is characterized by bitter irony because reality, hypocrisy and cruelty of the society exhale from the director's comedy. The entire scrap yard is, of course, a sarcastic metaphor for the experimentations of the East-European countries. The former enemies are being re-educated into common workers and from the trash of the old world a new society is built. But nothing is real: people are arrested for obscure reasons, the secret police controls everything and even the qualification of the steel is poor. However, even in these conditions people are people and they try to make the most of it.The Czechoslovakian New Wave found its inspiration from France but also from their own greatest writer Franz Kafka. In turn, they gave inspiration for many modern filmmakers. During the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, a Marxist philosopher called Georg Lukács said that "Kafka was a realist" after all. It is an important observation while reading Kafka but also works as the main thesis for the entire Czechoslovakian New Wave: because wasn't fierce, ruthless humor really the only way to deal with the absurdity of being in the Communist countries of Eastern Europe? Therefore, we shouldn't just watch Larks on a String as an absurd tragicomedy because this was real -- and that's why we can call it realism for its goals and bases which were both social. Even though the film portrays human fates, crushed by the repressive governance, the film is also full of joy, love and mundane beauty.
rozklad Set in a scrap metal yard at the great Kladno steelworks, at the time of its making (just as the Prague Spring was being terminated by the Russians) this was seen as a satirical attack on the Communist regime, which got both film and director Jiří Menzel banned for several years (the film was not released until 1990). How such a gentle film could be seen as so subversive now seems incredible nearly 4 decades later.Sorry, Liehtzu, but it couldn't possibly be better than the sublime "Closely Observed Trains"! Maybe this is because that film is so timeless, whereas "Larks on a String" seems to have dated less well; it is now more of a series of formless sketches of erotically charged comedy, in which the Czech spirit always manages to triumph over oppression and even the "villains" elicit a certain sympathy.Even so it is a gem of a film, witty, quirky and subtle, in which a bunch of renegade intellectuals, sent literally to the scrapheap, put the world to rights and try to engage with the pretty girls working over the metal mountain.The DVD available in the Czech Republic (R2) has rather unreliable English subtitles, so much of the biting dialogue is lost in translation; still a wonderful film though.
liehtzu menzel's "larks on a string" is even better than his "closely watched trains." supressed for decades in its home country this sharp, bitter and exuberant little comedy showcases its director's unique ability to mix humour and tragedy to great effect. a lyrical love story set in a scrapyard full of political dissidents who are occasionally carted off by secret police (never to return) if they talk out of turn. in the end it's an ode to the czech people, depicting them as refusing to be broken, full of a lust for life that cannot be contained even in the darkest times. some truly funny, great moments make for a deceptively simple, beautiful little movie.