Land of the Free
Land of the Free
| 24 November 1998 (USA)
Land of the Free Trailers

A politician's campaign manager (Speakman) discovers that the candidate (Shatner) is a front for a military organization plotting a political overthrow of the government. In trying to expose the candidate's right-wing activities, he puts himself and his family in danger of being killed.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Leofwine_draca LAND OF THE FREE is an enjoyable little action flick from those purveyors of mayhem at PM Entertainment. It stars the low rent action star Jeff Speakman, still best known for his earlier film THE PERFECT WEAPON, and he plays the campaign manager for a beloved politician who turns out to be part of a terrorist organisation who plan to bring down the whole country. Speakman discovers the truth and goes on the run, pursued by almost everybody in the film. At one point he abseils off a roof tied to a fire hose in a hilarious stunt sequence blatantly copied from DIE HARD.This cheesy action flick is a must-see for anyone with a love for '90s-era action. Speakman gets to run around a lot and partake in some cool martial arts scene which have surprisingly good choreography and certainly kept me entertained. Plus, there's a plethora of car chases and vehicular stunts in which cars are mangled and fly through the air before exploding, all captured in loving slow motion. One of the cheesiest delights about this movie is the presence of the inimitable William Shatner as the big bad guy, and that final fist-fight between the two stars is worth the price of admission alone.
wlfwriter I seriously don't know how anyone got funding to do this film. The script it trite, hackneyed and just plain awful. And the actors (yes, including William Shatner) deliver their lines with all the believability of the unstrung characters at Disneyland. The whole thing seems like an excuse to destroy a bunch of cars. There are plenty of car chases, but you could probably see better action at a destruction derby. The 'hero' can't generate any sympathy from the viewer and the plot depicts the American voting public as just plain brainless to believe in the BS the Shatner character is speaking. Don't waste your time watching this when it comes to cable in your town. And surely don't waste your money in buying a copy.
brandomarlon2003 Any of the movies from the company "PM" are usually gonna be pretty bad. PM uses the same actors quite frequently, especially Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen. I was surprised to see Bill Shatner show up. The most ridiculous part of the movie to me is the climactic fight between Jennings (Jeff Speakman) and Shatner's character Aiden Carvell (however it is spelled, who cares!!). Speakman at the time was only 38 or 39 years old and is a martial arts expert. He is supposed to have a hand to hand fight with portly, aging, senior citizen Shatner. Come on! Shatner only got one good lick on Speakman anyway in the fight. Plus, he was another example of the kind of bad guy who talks instead of just killing the hero when he has the chance. He walks up to Speakman with a gun and says "It's over!" Just shoot him! Speakman then kicks Shatner's ass while he is badly injured (Speakman).Bad movie but I bought it cheap on DVD and watch it frequently if I am bored just alone because the climactic fight is so hilarious! Why do they have all these former TV stars in this movie by the way? Bernie "Doc" Kopell from "The Love Boat" shows up. Charles Robinson from "Night Court" plays a bad guy and of course William Shatner of "Star Trek" plays the bad guy ringleader.
FlyBoyDC Keep in mind that just because the PM Entertainment Group made this film, it does not guarantee that this will be a high quality action picture. LAND OF THE FREE is overflowing with car crashes, explosions, shootings, paranoia, and more paranoia. On the other hand, this film lacks an intelligent script, redeeming social values, energy, and efficacy. It also does not have a shred of ingenuity either! This is one of the Pepin-Merhi duo's lamest films in years...Imagine this: William "Captain Kirk" Shatner stars as Aidan Carvell, a militia-based terrorist who wants to be a politician representing America! He has even written a book titled "Land of the Free." Carvell has won the hearts and votes of the people across California. He has made his own proposal known as the "Free America." Little do these denizens of California realize that they are supporting a politician who is working in cahoots with the militia. Carvell has his own inner ambitions...Aidan Carvell may be connected to a surreptitious militia organization called the "Northern Militia." Once the haughty Carvell wins the Senatorial election, he can help these guys organize a plan to take over the United States!Martial arts expert Jeff Speakman is Frank Jennings, Mr. Aidan Carvell's campaign manager. Jennings has recently uncovered quite a ton of dirty dealings made by Mr. Carvell himself. What Jennings has discovered can jeopardize his entire family's lives.Desperate, Jennings forces his family to enter the Witness Protection Agency for the sake of their own safety. There are only a few minor problems... One, Jennings and his family are still in the city! Two, everyone else seems to know the Jennings' aliases. Third, there is no one that they can trust! Last (and certainly the worst possible outcome), Carvell's men are hunting the Jennings down like helpless prey...If you like watching total carnage in the name of justice, then maybe you will give LAND OF THE FREE a try. LAND OF THE FREE has plenty of mayhem as we watch cars skyrocket, and then crash and burn. LAND OF THE FREE has the opportunity to be a solid, well-written political thriller with intense action. However, torpid direction, listless performances, a lackluster script, and repetitive action sequences maul what could have been at least an interesting film.Granted, this movie does deliver the works. There must be at least half a dozen car crashes in this movie...maybe more. The best highlight has to be a joyride on a speeding bus! I am usually always ecstatic to see car chases and the ensuing destruction. This time though, it's as if the batteries ran out of juice. These action scenes all could have been very exciting...but they are not briskly paced. The way these action sequences are directed in this movie just seem too awkward with little confident orchestration. We have also seen the same redundant car wrecks in other previous works by the PM folks. They have done so much better.In addition, the plot holes in this movie proliferate more than the number of cars demolished. I mean, what's up with the botched assassination attempt?! Why murder an FBI agent who is barely introduced into the story? Do motorists purposely crash their own vehicles? As for these bad guys, how come when they are firing their weapons, they can never hit their target? These bad guys can shoot anything, but they cannot put a single bullet into the protagonist! With problems like these, not even the great William Shatner can save this movie from being sealed by its own fate...Speaking of William Shatner, I was surprised that Captain Kirk has contributed more than just a small cameo. He actually appears in the WHOLE (well, most of the) movie. Shatner is the only character who actually breathes life into this lifeless project. His portrayal of a dishonest politician is sometimes absurd, but mostly amusing. One question that I have continuously pondered about is what made William Shatner want to sign up for this piece of drivel anyway(?)LAND OF THE FREE is just a disaster waiting to happen. Besides the lackluster action and the wooden performances, this movie also suffers from a lack of cleverness. There are no surprises here, we already know who are the true despicable villains. The action scenes are dull and predictable. The musical score is constantly dreary and horribly bothersome. The cinematography is pathetic. The people behind and in front of the camera fail to handle the limited material given to them. They just could not make the best of what they have. LAND OF THE FREE is without a doubt, one of the poorest entries from the prolific PM duo. Events that do not coherently connect together plus inadequately directed action sink this whole production.Maybe this movie is worth a laugh or too. Shatner's performance deserves a few chuckles and you will laugh often at how Speakman does not seem to take the menacing perils very seriously. This is better particularly when one is intoxicated. This way, the person will not realize what kind of agony he/she is subjecting him/herself into...RATING: NO STARS out of ****.