Lake Placid vs. Anaconda
Lake Placid vs. Anaconda
| 25 April 2015 (USA)
Lake Placid vs. Anaconda Trailers

A giant alligator goes head to head with a giant Anaconda. The town sheriff must find a way to destroy the two monsters before they kill the whole town.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Michael Ledo The film is what one would expect if you have seen the other features, although that isn't necessary to understand the plot. Robert Englund and Yancy Butler have survived the last feature to be in this one, in fact Yancy Butler was in at least the last two of these. It smartly combines this series with the last Anaconda film where they look for the Blood Orchid for an immortality serum which involves our genetically altered anaconda who needed genes from the croc. Sarah Murdoch (Annabel Wright) is the daughter of Murdoch (John Rhys-Davies) of the Anaconda series.There is no Lake Placid in this film. It is Black Lake and Clear Lake and it is filmed in Bulgaria so go figure. So we have mega crocs and mega anacondas on the lake as police are out to kill them, a private corporation is out to extract them, and Delta Phi Beta sorority is holding initiations in bikinis, tops optional.One great sex scene. 7 stars for the cheese.
justindougherty-00956 Why older movies look more real is such s mystery. The first lake placid looked like a real croc. First anaconda looked like a real snake in most shots. Better tecnology years later and we get things that look like cgi and the lighting on the creatures doesnt even match the surrounding. Like its pail or looks like a paper cut out moving on screen. People getting eaten looks as fake as it actually is and acting. Modern movies should just stick to anamatronics and real special effects. Theyed lose less of the audience that way. Cant make money if everyone agrees that movies now cant even match up to the orginals in any way but the story line. Noone wants to see that its cgi. Noone wants to notice that its cgi. Noone wants to see a person get eaten or crushed and the thing biting or crushing them look like its photo shopped into the shot. How... Just how are movies so much worse these days. Cant say its hd tvs either, jurassic park still has real looking dinosaurs on modern tvs.
bowmanblue Years ago, I watched both 'Lake Placid' and 'Anaconda' in the cinemas and, for all my sins, loved them both. Yes, I know a 'good' film when I see one and I knew both of these were definitely not good. They were cheesy B-movies that could only be considered 'good' in a 'so-bad-they're-good' kind of way. But, sometimes I'm in the mood for that sort of film, so that's okay.I seem to remember seeing a sequel to Anaconda (another snake/another jungle) and I'm pretty sure I at least heard that Lake Placid (another crocodile/another lake) had another film out of video (didn't even have DVDs in that day from what I recall!). Now, from what I read online, 'Lake Placid vs Anaconda' is the fifth film in both franchises. I guess some may think that it might be difficult to pick up the story missing 3/5 of the story. Don't worry. I don't think I missed much in the way of story.Scientists (the movie kind, therefore they're evil) are trying to do experiments on the giant anaconda snake and it gets away – right into Lake Placid. And it just so happens that there's a whole group of scantily-clad teenage girls in bikinis running around on that day. And, if you've ever seen a film before, you'll probably fill in enough of the blanks to work out what happens for the next ninety minutes.Lake Placid vs Anaconda is basically a slasher film with monsters who occasionally fight each other in between gobbling up the next cheerleader. The acting is dire (and even the presence of Robert Englund can't elevate it that much), the special effects are about the least special as they could be (seriously, I've seen Playstation 2 cut-scenes that are better than the CGI snake and crocs) and the plot is nothing you haven't seen before. The characters are pretty unlikeable – the 'nice' ones are two dimensional and underdeveloped and the 'bad' ones are even more clichéd (although the token 'mean girl' of the story was actually quite funny!).Therefore, the film is pretty forgettable. I'm writing this review trying to remember as much of it as I can before all traces of it slips from my mind completely. However, as dumb as it is, I didn't hate it. I was actually quite entertained while I saw it. I doubt I'll ever see it again. There are plenty of other monster movies out there that are better and new ones being filmed every day.
jacobjohntaylor1 This an awesome movie. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. This a very scary movie. Anaconda is scarier. Lake Placid is scarier. Anacondas is scarier. Lake Placid 2 is also scarier. Anaconda III is also scarier. Lake Placid 3 is also scarier. But still a very scary movie. Scarier then Anacondas The blood trails. Also it is scarier then Lake Placid the final chapter. Still this a great movie. All the Anaconda movies are must sees. All the Lake Placid movies are must sees. Some mad scientist tap some crocodiles and anacondas. They all get away on them. Very scary. This movie is very intense.