Lake of Fire
Lake of Fire
| 03 October 2007 (USA)
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An unflinching look at the how the battle over abortion rights has played out in the United States over the last 15 years.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
nick_gen Tony Kaye shows that he is prepared to encounter the debate on abortion by covering an incredibly wide range of point of views and doesn't leave out even the most difficult parts. I will start with "harcore" reality details of the abortive presager before I entail my global feelings on how I received this workpiece. I had to stop viewing for a couple of minutes after they showed the fetuses, my heart was pounding, I felt dizzy, sad and mentally assaulted by those images because they just wouldn't get out of my head once I saw them. Nonetheless I still am pro-choice having being hit by that, It forced me to consider the painful reality that go with my own position. This, of course balanced with so many other things that are also thoroughly explored and exposed in the documentary.Calling Tony Kaye a "biaest" on that matter doesn't do him justice at all. Simply because neutrality in this just has no existence, the relevant material that piles up in the concerned matter as you go further into it, is bound to lead you somewhere. If their is something going on around you and choose not to implicate yourself, you are in fact indirectly making a choice, the choice of leaving it in the hands of those who are ready to carry out decision. I'm not a Christian but I was raised in that manner so I can refer to a story which most of us know and that is the story of Pilate who also took a step back but nonetheless is a part of the picture, that nails down the point that "not to do" is to "let others do" for the best and for worst parts.This documentary also shows the mind blowing contradictions that inhabits the fundamentalists stirring up on the pro-life side. The fact that they are ready to take on destructive action on the behalf of their posture, stretching a huge focus on that subject while seemingly indifferent to other subjects that involves human choices and it's caused suffering that are by close or by far correlative to abortion. I'll finish by saying that having claims towards even the most wonderful values doesn't suffice at all, being unable to reflect on your own self and the actions you undertake and paying no attention to the conditions of others and more importantly the ones that should justify some of your moral standards is one of the roots of a hypocrisy, denial and egocentric behaviors.
djmalachi Black and white. If you are pro-choice, you will skip or wish they omitted the abortion scene. If you are pro-life that will be your most memorable part of the movie. After, the doctor says "Now she can go on with her life, go to school, without taking on the responsibility of becoming a parent..." CUT to a strainer filled with a mashed up pile of pulpy flesh, yet at center in perfect focus, a tiny, open hand. Burned a permanent image into my retina. Wow.Many pro-lifers ARE crazy, and they should realize that there is nothing they can do to end abortion. They cannot share their point of view without being judgmental. Black and white.
Greatornot I thought this documentary was very fair. Both sides were shown. Some people say it was biased to the left but I do not believe that. I have personally spoken to people who are antiabortion and most of them really do throw their religious beliefs around, like a 2 yr old throws a ball around the house. Basically , the fanatics against abortion , quote every other passage from the bible. Its not the filmmakers fault if these people that are against abortion , come across inarticulate and judgmental and yes for the most part very uneducated as well. The film showed abortion procedures, scenes of crimes, and multiple monologues from people on both sides. The title of the film itself , is proudly proclaimed by the religious right. If these people view this movie they would probably see this as fair. It was a very chilling film , and reinforced the fact that there are people in our very nation that would circumvent the law to push their religion on others. The film was a bit too long and would like to have seen some color to maybe get the true effect , especially on some of the medical procedures and crime scenes. All in all a good film.
Adam_Mccormick2 Great documentary that really makes you think about the issue of abortion (even if you don't live in the USA). It also made me thankful that I don't live in the US if I am honest.The 'Pro Life' issue I though was explored very well. What happens after the birth, do these people care? Are they all anti war, anti capital punishment?I was also shocked that it was an issue that people went so far as to perform acts of Terror over- killing a man, in front of his children, via sniper rifle- is so far from 'Pro Life' its untrue.The shooting in black and white really adds to the effect of the movie.Well worth a watch- in this day and age a film that makes you think is a rare treat indeed.!