| 19 March 2010 (USA)
Lahore Trailers

Lahore reflects the need and the desire to bring about peace and harmony in the subcontinent. It tells us how sports could play a key role in building bridges and bringing the two countries like India and Pakistan together that has more than 50 years of the history of unrelenting hostility.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
scarredpariah Considering the themes and potential, it was very disappointing. The evocative opening credits promised much more than the muted, dumbed-down mess that followed.This film should have shed an hour to hit a more effective fighting weight. It was flabby, slow, dull and predictable. The sparse action choreography was passable, but not great. I would say it was more of a drama than an action movie, but the acting wasn't really strong enough for that, either.Despite its many flaws and its heavy-handedness, it did manage to muster a little impact for the finale, but I'm not sure it was worth the slog.
Pratik Mohapatra 'LAHORE' is one of the good Indian sports movie defying boundaries i have ever seen. This movie has something right about it despite a predictable plot , really made my day , the director has done a tremendous job.The Actors have done quite a job too which complemented the film.And it's also a WARNER BROS. film , so these guys know where to put in the money though i feel sorry that these sort of movies ...drop dead before cumin to our theatersand Please do not compare this movie to the Hollywood's best because this film has a different touch and situation to it.SO GUYS PLEASE DO WATCH IT !!
Bhanu For those of you who really liked this movie, please go and watch the American movie "Best of the Best" made in 1989. Yes, this movie is yet another copy from bollywood. What really surprises me is that being a copy of an American film, how can this movie win any award and yet being internationally acclaimed??? This movie doesn't reach up to the original version, Best of the Best. The fight scenes are really not impressive at all. If you see the original movie, you'll be well entertained with great fight sequences and really see the fighters fighting without using any special effects (cables).Mukesh Rishi looks too old for his character in this movie. Aanahad has good physics and probably a professional kick-boxer in real life too, but as far as acting is concerned, well......
awesomelissome Lahore is the movie which promises you a lot with its heart in right place but at times it's so plain and dumb that is hard to digest.Story is nothing really new to offer except the theme this time being Kick boxing sport. About the characters; Aanaahad is a let down, his dialog delivery is poor and face expression are hardly convincing apart from few scenes.Sushant Singh gives a decent performance as there was not very much scope for him to show this true potential.Nafisa Ali uttering about a couple of dialogs of doting caring typical Indian mother could not have any value to movie.Mukhesh Rishi again does good as a bad guy but his character look way too idiot as if the word logic and organ brain is missing for him.Shraddha's face is so much under the layers of makeup that you wish some should remind her that use of face wash does not hurt anybody.Farooq Shaikh is the who steals the show with his hyderabadi style accent.His Pakistani counterpart Sabyasachi Chakraborty is awesome and convinces you to hate him like anything. Over all a decent one time but could have been better if editing have been more crispier and story told in a much better manner.