Lagerfeld Confidential
Lagerfeld Confidential
| 24 October 2007 (USA)
Lagerfeld Confidential Trailers

For the first time Karl Lagerfeld has agreed to let someone create an artwork on his every day life and to trust in the director. Until today there is no authorised biography existing and the memories who Karl Lagerfeld would compose stay perfectly confidential. After three years of work, and over three hundred hours of footage, Rodolphe Marconi discloses the daily life of the star through his personal lens as a filmmaker.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
ihrtfilms Certain people become quite unknown despite their fame or work and Karl Lagerfeld is one of them. He is perhaps one of the greatest designers of modern times, adored utterly and is something of an enigma. I was interested in seeing this for those reasons and the fact that someone of his standing would provide an interesting insight.I was however, very disappointed and felt there was less insight more just following. Lagerfeld the 'designer/celebrity' is barely away from the screen concealed behind his dark glasses. When he does sit for an interview he is short and sweet with his answers barely enlightening anyone. As interesting as it is seeing him work and occasionally play there is little insight into what drives him or thrills him. Another vast problem the film has is the lack of explanation of what we are seeing or indeed who we are seeing. Events occur, fashion shows, meetings, photo shoots, all self explanatory, but it would be nice to know exact details. Likewise we meet many people and you are never informed who they are, which is very frustrating. Of course the film is about Lagerfeld, but if other characters in this world are to be seen, we should know who they are.Lagerfeld clearly loves what he does and works immensely hard and that is clear to see, but we never really see what I feel is the real Lagerfeld, only once, where he has no glasses on and sits at a desk drawing a dress, did I feel that I glimpsed Lagerfeld who isn't on display. I found it very differcult not to compare this to another recent film that looked at another adored desingers Valentino. In Valentino: The Last Emperor, we are treated to an amazing insight into someones life, one that is very similar to Lagerfeld, but we get to see the real Valentino, passion, stress, humour and love. With that we have a fascinating and vibrant film that makes us understand who this person is. In Lagerfeld Confidential there is none of that and we are left bored and uninterested with what we see, which is a huge shame as surely beneath those glasses there is an amazing life and a fascinating person.More of my reviews at my site
marymorrissey I'm surprised at the mixed reviews here, I felt this intimate portrait was really irresistible. felt Karl was irresistible. There's more to his story than you get here, certainly. It's part of a very engaging puzzle. I agree with the reviewer who said that somehow KLs work doesn't seem to appear dated in a way that a lot of YSL does, from even before the 80s. All of KL's famous bitchiness about YSL is completely repaid by Pierre Berger anwyay. . . it comes with the territory. As Morton Feldman once said "People say it's not a contest but they're wrong, it IS a contest and Wagner won, Brahms lost." Only in this context . . . we witness an instance in which the truth of Feldman's simplification is rendered more ambiguous. Anyway, I look forward to seeing this movie again.---I watched this again. This time I realized as a film it's not very strong; it's pretty sloppy in fact. Some of the montages with music I just fast forwarded through this time. And I don't know where I got any sense of YSL having anything to do with anything in this movie. There is paydirt here though, Lagerfeld, who clearly is never taken aback by any question anybody might likely think to ask. In fact in every instance we discover that whatever you might ask him, Lagerfeld has thought through whatever it is and he he rattles forth with the answer getting it out just about as quickly as humanly possible. He's extremely funny and quite adorable. Actually this time I noticed that some of the dresses didn't really float my boat, while some did. My experience was, then, rather different the 2nd time around. I've little doubt I'll watch it again one day.
soutexmex Karl Lagerfeld is such a fascinating individual that this film could have been better with more insight from those around him. Gaining an outside perspective allows one to fully understand the subject. Lagerfeld's personal philosophy and observations about life are so entertaining and mesmerizing. Fortunately, we do not witness a personal, intimate, sexual aspect and we really do not need to see that part of his life. It's really none of our business as voyeurs into his existence. He is an artist and those who purvey this fashion career need distance and patience. Lagerfeld has shown the practice of this artistry is a genuine lifelong obsession for the legends in their field.
Kenneth Svedlund I was very excited to see this documentary. As far as I know, not too many films has been made about Karl Lagerfeld. But I must say that I was disappointed upon seeing this film. Everything about Lagerfeld is interesting and he has a lot to say, but this documentary just won't give it to you. It's more like somebody has followed him around shooting bits and pieces. Presented in a Your-buddy-filming-a-party kind of style, very sad unfortunately. It is very poorly shot. I got seasick in the theater. Research is lacking too.So if you are a big Lagerfeld fan, of course you will want to see it anyway. But my guess is that you will be, like me, still waiting for someone to make a real documentary about him. //Kenneth,