Kung Fu Genius
Kung Fu Genius
| 08 March 1979 (USA)
Kung Fu Genius Trailers

A martial arts whiz and his ambitious friend open a kung fu school, but only draw the attention of an angry student from the town’s only other school. A confrontation leads to a fight in a brothel that causes both schools to become targets of the brothel owner’s wrath.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
RomanceNovelist some spoilers? I am a huge fan of Kung Fu movies, and I've seen plenty of Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donny Yen, and now I've gone on to watch all of those movies with Hsiao Hou in them. In my search I stumbled across Kung Fu Genius and I have to tell you, it is BEYOND BAD. Now, Kung Fu movies aren't exactly known for great plots or story lines, though we are fortunate enough to get them from time to time. I have watched Kung Fu Genius and I still can't figure out what it's all about.There's a Kung Fu "master", who calls himself "GENIUS" because he can emulate other styles, particularly those used by his opponents. He has an idiot sidekick, and together they plot to open a Kung Fu school in town.A rival Kung Fu school gets wind of the news, and a trouble making student and his friend go to Genius to pick a fight.The Kung Fu fights in this movie and the techniques are pretty standard, not much is ground breaking, or exciting except DUCK STYLE (which was pretty awesome and surprising) and DRUNKEN MONKEY (used by Hsiao Hou).The thing that bothered me was that, it was like the director pulled Hsiao Hou off the set of Mad Monkey Kung Fu (made the same year) and dumped him in this crappy movie. Nearly all of the same moves, though I noticed a few new ones in the ring fight.The lead, Cliff Lok, whom I've liked in other movies, I did not like in this one. I wasn't convinced that he could be a genius Kung Fu artist, nor was I convinced that he could be a Kung Fu master. He smirked from scene to scene, and it was quite annoying. He seemed almost invulnerable, which robbed the plot of any excitement.Hsiao Hou was the most brilliant Kung Fu artist in the movie, even if he had very few lines against three fight sequences and a drunken monkey demonstration. I wasn't convinced that Cliff Lok's character could match Hsiao Hou. I also find it funny that Hsiao Hou, who had a smaller part with only few lines, is on the DVD/VHS cover. What does that tell you? It tells you that he was the best fighter in the movie. Comparatively, the other actors were thoroughly outclassed.Summary? The movie and its plot is beyond bad, and beyond bad for a Kung Fu flick is really scraping the bottom of the trash bin. Watch it for the duck style. Watch it to grab a glimpse or two of Hsiao Hou. Otherwise, it's pretty worthless.
swisstony123 Hmmmm another movie that steals its sound track from George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead....I really couldn't believe what I was hearing..lol Fairly standard kung fu fair ...pretty funny in places and pass's the time. After I heard The Goblin I had to watch on just to see if they had stolen anymore. There's also some pretty nice funk breaks as well, blatantly taken from other soundtracks. Lots of punch noises and blade sounds ...and the kind of dubbing you would expect to find sampled in a lot of 90's hip-hop. The film's no masterpiece but has some excellent fight sequences...There's a great one with a hola-hoop....I kid you not!5/10
m10rda I don't want to get carried away, but KUNG FU GENIUS has to be my absolute FAVORITE kung fu movie of all time. Even were it not for the crisp, invigorating, and off-the-wall fight scenes, the non-intelligence-insulting plot, the slick badass main character, his very amusing whiny bitch of a sidekick, and the drunken monkey AND the duck method, even were it not for ALL those things, I would STILL adore KUNG FU GENIUS, for one reason and one reason only: Supporting Character Gets Kicked In The b***s, Subsequently Begins Acting Like A Robot. You just can't beat that, I tell you.
Doug Galecawitz This is a pretty standard chop socky flick for most of the movie. Actually it's meant to be a spoof of kung fu movies. There's lots of action all the way through and well choreographed fight scenes. But if there's one reason to see this virtually unknown title it's to see the Charles Bronson look-a-like guy as the teacher of all methods of Kung Fu. Towards the end he breaks out the Duck Method. The Duck Method is by far one of the most hilarious scenes you will ever behold no matter how many movies you see.