Kung-Fu and Titties
Kung-Fu and Titties
| 09 August 2013 (USA)
Kung-Fu and Titties Trailers

Richard Titties, an out-of-shape martial arts wannabe, is shot into an alternate dimension after his girlfriend Cynthia is kidnapped. Her captors are a group of tittie obsessed madmen led by Zeefros, the master of the supernatural realm. Zeefros kidnaps women for the sole purpose of seeing their titties. Richard joins up with his sister Raine Brown, a Gorilla and a gaggle of other strange characters, in order to save his girlfriend. He must search inside, overcome his futile martial arts skills, and find the kung fu fighter within if he is to save himself and all those that dwell in the alternate world.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
oldvicar Review posted Nov 2017 at which time the rating is rather distorted by the family and friends giving it 10/10 and likewise the reviews are lacking the basic honesty that general viewers would want in deciding whether to watch download etc. This is a laugh for some young lads perhaps but not a 'movie' or a film in any normal sense.It is strictly amateur with no production values, filmed with a camcorder or equivalent and the odd display of topless nudity will be of interest perhaps to someone who has been in solitary confinement for a long period. It is obvious how poor this is within the first few seconds of viewing.
Kim Borg Listen up Indie Film Lovers...THIS is a MUST SEE MOVIE! I went to the Premiere in Orlando, FL on August 8, 2013 and fell head over heals in love with "Kung Fu and Titties"If you are a fan of American Anthology Comedy, then this movie is right up your alley! Remember "The Groove Tube", "Flesh Gordon", "The Kentucky Fried Movie? Yeah...you know what I am talking about! Cerebral, visual and will not disappoint.Amazing cast, make-up, costumes, location, production crew and direction. I sincerely hope see more laughter medicine directed by Joseph McConnell in the near future.For a low budget film ... "A for Awesome" sums it up ~ KB
nycarkin51 I saw this movie at the Macabre Festival in Long Island. This movie is soooooo ridiculous and completely crazy. I couldn't stop laughing. I was caught completely by surprise by this. Bronson Pinchot is hilarious and so is the guy who plays the lead. Richard Titties! haha! What a name! The jersey comedian is really great and that kid who plays the knock off jersey shore character. I think you need to see this movie because it's totally bizarre and off the wall. I thought I was going to see a stupid college type movie like national lampoon or something but this has got lots of different gags in it and a variety of humor. There were some things I didn't think were funny but the parts I did think were funny I was on the floor laughing. The farting scenes were hysterical, just hysterical!! I haven't seen a good farting gag in a while. Sadly I don't think they're going to screen in New York again but it would be great. There are lots of naked women in the film, and some naked guys!!! Plus for me!! I really liked this movie. Yeah it's low budget and that fact is obvious at times but I don't care.. the film was polished well. This movie is hilarious and I was doubled over laughing many times.
Todd Staruch Full disclosure....I am friends with some of the people who were in this movie. I try never to let that cloud by judgment, but hey, we're human! This film is EXACTLY what it's supposed to be....a romp through a landscape of absurd humor, and topless women. I went to the premiere and I laughed so many times through the film that I lost count. The audience was laughing, cheering, clapping, etc. constantly, which is exactly why I would go so see a movie like this.Is the movie completely ridiculous? Of course it is! But I get the distinct impression that this is exactly what the director was aiming for. There's nothing worse than a film that is unintentionally funny, and this film definitely does NOT try and play it straight.Of course it has it's flaws. There were some technical issues along the way and some of the comedic elements could have been a little more polished, but this is the world of indie cinema, where budget limitations, location constraints, etc. have a lot to do with the finished product.The lead actor, Sean Monlar, was hysterical as Richard Titties, a struggling MMA fighter who gets transported to an absurd dimension where he does battle with villain Zeefros, who captures and imprisons women for the sole purpose of making them dance while topless. (Nice work if you can get it). He also has a bizarre obsession with indie film darling Raine Brown, and I can't say I blame him. The lovely and talented Seregon O'Dassey stars as Richard's girlfriend, Cynthia, who is also captured by Zeefros and is forced to.....well, you'll just have to see the film when it's released digitally and on DVD!! Bronson Pinchot lends a familiar face to the cast as a mystical Indian providing advice to Richard Titties along the way.Overall, this was a fun romp through a completely absurd landscape filled with crazy characters and I enjoyed every minute of it!