NR | 01 May 2006 (USA)
Knocking Trailers

Knocking opens the door on Jehovah's Witnesses. They are moral conservatives who stay out of politics and the Culture War, but they won a record number of court cases expanding freedom for everyone. They refuse blood transfusions on religious grounds, but they embrace the science behind bloodless surgery. In Nazi Germany, they could fight for Hitler or go to the concentration camps. They chose the camps. Following two families who stand firm for their controversial and misunderstood Christian faith, KNOCKING reveals how one unlikely religion helped to shape history beyond the doorstep.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Inmechon The movie's only flaw is also a virtue: It's jammed with characters, stories, warmth and laughs.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
flowerae I was raised as a JW. I am no longer practicing but understand why many do. I would like to comment on the woman who said she was a JW and worked in the medical field. She posted something on this site. She was discussing the problems with accepting blood transfusions. She said that after 26 years she'd seen those that refused transfusions make it through whatever medical crisis they were going through and to live. I agree that there are many problems that can arise from accepting a blood transfusion and I personally have chosen not to accept blood.However, I think that it is wrong to spread the message that there are those that don't accept blood will still live. Some JW's actually think that if their faith is strong enough, that they will make it through. This is simply not the case. It just depends on how things happen.When I was a child, there was a brother in my parent's congregation who had seven children. He wanted to have more, but his wife's doctor told him that this would be detrimental to his wife's health. They did not listen and she got pregnant one more time. The baby was born and the wife started to hemorrhage. The brother really thought that if his faith was strong enough that she wouldn't die. He felt that by refusing blood he would make Jehovah happy. I think he felt that this would guarantee her survival. He was wrong. But he should have been satisfied to know that his wife's wishes were followed and they were following Jehovah's commandments.While I agree with the idea that accepting blood is wrong, I don't think we should fool ourselves into thinking that we are all going to still survive after this. It simply doesn't work that way.
joanch Felt it was very balanced in showing what Jehovahs Witnesses have done in protecting American freedoms. It also showed the strong faith of two families who were first generation witnesses. I also appreciated how it showed how by becoming a Jehovahs Witness affects non-witness family members and how hard it is for them to accept the fact that they don't celebrate holidays, the sad part is that non-witness families do not think of having their witness family over for family dinners/visits or give them gifts at any other times but for holidays or birthdays. When it comes to medical care the witnesses want and expect a high standard of medical care, what people forget is that blood transfusions allow for sloppy medical care and surgeries whereas bloodless treatments causes the medical team to be highly skilled and trained, which would you prefer to treat your loved ones? I highly recommend this video!
canddwallace I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I also work in an acute care medical facility. Over the years I have seen people die from hemolytic reactions to blood transfusions, have attended numerous conferences on blood born pathogens, and have seen several patients become seriously ill from pathogens induced by transfused blood. I have also heard several Jehovah's Witnesses being told that they will die if they refuse blood and after 26 years in the field I have never actually seen it happen, leaving the question, "is it really unreasonable to refuse blood transfusions or is the community at large benefiting from the battle on this issue?" The issue for Jehovah's Witnesses is a moral one. "You must abstain from blood" is not an ambiguous statement. Thank you for this movie and allowing comments on it.
fnorful This well-done document provides both information and human interest in its two stories.Told in parallel, we follow two Jehovah's Witnesses. Joseph Kempler is a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust. He lost his faith as the deaths mounted and the horrors of the concentration camp unfolded for him. Yet in his camp, a separate barracks housed the Jehovah's Witness prisoners, partly to segregate them from the non-Aryans and partly to reduce the proselytizing. These were political prisoners who by following the tenets of their religion refused to swear allegiance to the Fuehrer and the Fatherland. They could leave if their would sign a "loyalty oath". As Joseph lost his faith, he become aware of these protesters, was able to attend clandestine meetings, and eventually took on their religion. We are told his story, including his reconciliation with family members (including a daughter he had pretty much abandoned).The other story is about twenty-something Seth Thomas, who follows the faith along with the rest of his family. His "auto de fe" comes about with his need for a transplant to replace his (congenitally) diseased liver. He can't have blood products, so the medical establishment won't do the transplant. Eventually UCLA (?) agrees to do an experimental bloodless surgery. With huge risks, he agrees; and his father will provide the partial liver donation. The whole family is faced with the risk of losing two members but are steadfast in their belief that's it's the right way to live (or die).A lot of history is filled in around these two stories. We find how many of our rights are due to the fights the Jehovah Witnesses have undertaken: they do not vote, they do not protest(?), but they do litigate.If you are the type to answer that particular knock on the door with "No thanks, get lost", this movie will make you want to ask a few questions, if for no other reason than to exercise nearly-found respect.