Knights of Bloodsteel
Knights of Bloodsteel
| 07 September 2009 (USA)
Knights of Bloodsteel Trailers

The adventure is set in the sorcerous land of Mirabilis, where a populace of elves, goblins, dwarves and humans hanker for the mystical element Bloodsteel; an ore with magical ability-giving properties. When a ruthless band of soldiers led by the wicked Dragon-Eye go seeking the powerful ore, a sorcerer elf Tesselink is given the task of finding its source - the legendary Crucible.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
PodBill Just what I expected
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
tuesda2 I added this title to my collection due to the following:1-Solid acting for the genre. 2-Character development 3-Attractive women 4-An interesting plotPredicated upon the above, it met the criteria I have established to watch every few years. As has been noted, though, if you are one who demands multi-million dollar effects and constant action, you will probably be disappointed.
paikia I bought this movie (or is it a mini-series?) on DVD quite a while back, and only recently bothered to watch it. While it had its slow parts, it did keep me interested enough to keep watching, despite being long.It's one of those movies I wouldn't recommend to everyone, as it lacks some of the fancy and "shiny" glow we all expect when watching such movies, but I believe anyone who likes the fantasy genre enough, will enjoy and appreciate this movie, despite not being a masterpiece.One reviewer in particular insisted that the story wasn't original, but I disagree. While some of the story elements here we have seen before, this movie does bring enough original elements and twists of its own for me to consider it interesting and original enough to justify its existence.I'm familiar with some of writer Sam Egan's work (The Outer Limits, Sanctuary, Continuum) and while "Knights Of Bloodsteel" might not be his best work, it was fun and interesting to watch. It was also fun to watch David James Elliot (Commander Rabb on JAG) playing Serragoth. Recommended!
nancyeddy Was it perfect? No. But I wasn't expecting perfection. It was fantasy, and as such it was a new world to be explored by the viewer. Since I don't watch a lot of fantasy stuff, I didn't have a lot of other stories/shows to compare it to. So to me it was pretty good. I would have preferred that the director have allowed David James Elliott to continue using the Scots accent that he started with (instead of telling him to stop since he was afraid that no one would be able to understand him. I understood DJE better than I did the actress who played Perfidia. Not sure if the problem there was her accent or the fake fangs she was forced to wear for her role.) I wouldn't mind seeing this go to series, although I know that it won't. I think that there were still stories to be told about the Knights of Bloodsteel.
biyankav There seems to be a certain standard that SciFi must force their movie to adhere to because what other explanation can there there be for a consistency of bland, badly acted and boring stories. Here we have another fantasy adventure which utterly lacks both. Would it have really been that hard to come up with a few novel twists on the genre? With feature films pushing the edges of story telling and concept, are these scripts and filmmakers really the best SciFi can come up with? you would think a show like Battlestar Galactica would have shown it can be done. Or is it a matter of saving a few dollars? Even the Seeker TV show now on is dreadful. Everything is fantasy is recycled it seems. I am excited for next year in film and TV. My hope is the new Conan film along with Red Sonja, Thor, John Carter on Mars will put fantasy and imagination back into this genre. I even have hope for a low budget effort like Tales of an Ancient Empire (yes it has Kevin sorbo and Christopher Lambert, but I loved The Sword and the Sorcerer so I'll give it a try). My hope is to once again see imagination and creative ideas in these efforts (I can not call them films). Please Sci Fi, spend a little more time and money to get better people in front of and behind the camera.