Kisses and Caroms
Kisses and Caroms
R | 22 August 2006 (USA)
Kisses and Caroms Trailers

In California, Zack owns the "Breakingtime Billiards", a store that sells pool tables and game room supplies. He works with his girlfriend Jennifer; the sexy seller Tara; the installer of pool tables and best friend, the wolf David, and his idiot assistant Eddie. After having a threesome arranged by Jen with Tara, Zach breaks up his relationship with Jen, in spite of her bringing him up all the time. He tells his sexual experience to David while Jen asks for an advice to her psychologist Dr. Bob Johnson in his radio show. Along the day and after the visit of many peculiar clients, Zack concludes that Jen is his dream girl.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Micransix Crappy film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
dw4655 That was a waste of time and money. In Australia the title is called American Pool. And the cover says "It's American Pie meets Clerks". For one it is nothing like either of those movies. The film is low budget, you can tell that from use of what I believe where hand held handy cams or maybe a recording from someone's mobile phone, the lighting wasn't even the best at times. IT LACKS STORY LINE!!! it was pathetic. I did not even watch the entire movie. If anyone is even thinking of getting this movie just to see some hot sex scenes I'm sorry but your money will be better spent on A night in Paris.I rented this movie as a 1 night new release movie from the local video store and I believe it was a waste of time and money.
janus-33 I can fully appreciate independent film-making, especially a lot of the film that has been released on the Sundance festival. But this movie about two 30-something guys and their problems concerning a threesome is not fit for any festival or even TV. I can live with bad acting, the worst dialog and unbelievable characters, but the story that unfolds has to be more intriguing than a threesome, brainless pool chicks and two guys that are far too old to be acting like teenagers.When you look at the credits in this movie, it was produced with the help of the entire members of the Rocca family. I think they should go back to just filming the Rocca family reunions.
mooyeadomike I love how I can relate to the main characters. They're all just screwed up enough in the head that I feel like I'm watching my own life on the screen(except my life isn't quite that exciting.) I don't know anybody who couldn't relate to this movie, or find it hilarious! They did a great job on this one. I wanna see more movies like this one. It makes me feel like I'm not as far off as I thought. The main characters put it all on the line. They're like open books. The producers of this one did a great job putting it all on the line for the audience to see. I haven't seen a movie like this since "Kids" and "Clerks". Great job guys!
shankytotobonky I was lucky enough to check out this indie film and I was thoroughly impressed. The Kevin Smith influence is obvious, though the film pulls it off well. Lots of sophomoric humor offset with some great moments. The cinematography "felt" a little "indie"- as in not shot by an ASC member, but still felt solid. The same goes for the editing. The writing had to be the best part- lots of great one liners and witty banter. The guys were funny, the girls attractive- the way it needs to be in the type of flick. Clearly the film is a labor of love and it shows. It was shot on a prosumer video camera- probably the way Kevin Smith himself would do it if he were to start his career at this moment. Yet, the film is more watchable than many of the Hollywood films out at the moment. Imagine what these guys could do with a budget... Highly Recommended!