| 07 September 2000 (USA)
Kippur Trailers

The film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights. The story is told from the perspective of Israeli soldiers. We are led by Weinraub and his friend Ruso on a day that begins with quiet city streets, but ends with death, destruction and devastation of both body and mind. Various scenes are awash in the surreal, as Weinraub's head hangs out over a rescue helicopter's open door, watching with tranquil desperation as the earth passes beneath, the overpowering whir of the blades creating a hypnotic state. It is not a traditional blood, guts and glory film. There are no men in battle, only the rescue crew trying to pick up the broken pieces.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Jackson Booth-Millard This was a film featured in the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, I assumed it was something to do with war from the picture and DVD cover I saw, but either way it was an Israeli film I looked forward to trying. Basically it is set in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War between Egypt and Syria, specifically the Day of Atonement, the countries launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights, and the story is told from the point of view of the Israeli soldiers. Leading the audience into the story and the quiet city streets are friends Weinraub (Liron Levo) and Ruso (Tomer Russo), and through their journey during the war they, along with other soldiers, witness mass death, destruction and devastation both in their minds and on the surface. Also starring Uri Ran Klauzner as Klausner, Yoram Hattab as The Pilot and Juliano Merr- Khamis as The Captain. The film is not a traditional war movie with blood, guts and glory, there are many scenes full of surrealism and sequences that give you an insight into the effects a war can cause, whether it be with the graphic and repetitive imagery or with the intriguing use of sound, it may not be the most gripping of films, but is an interesting enough war drama based on a true story. Worth watching!
J. M. Verville This film offers more of an artistic view of warfare on a level that one normally does not see; even though the dialog in the film is small, and even though what dialog there is does not focus on the main, overriding theme of the vile nature of war the point is still clearly conveyed by the director's use of his actors and the camera. Overall, the film could have been much shorter; it was seemingly dragged out at times, and sometimes it seemed downright tiring to watch. However, some of the shots throughout the film were very good, and the story at times can be interesting. But when all is said and done, this is not a very high quality film due to its' unnecessary length and often overly artistic portrayal. The few moments of good cinema in here do not make the whole thing worth watching.
greena-1 Where do I sign up???? I can produce a movie with MUCH better quality and I'm not even a director much less in the film industry!!! In the comments I read earlier, someone hit the nail on the head and pointed out that there was no real sense of danger. I laugh at those people who thought that this film was realistic. Realistic my ass!!! To quote what someone said earlier, there was no acting, no plot, and to add to this, the affects were cheesy at best!!! The helicopter being shot down for example. One initial blast and then another later on, this didn't match the story the pilot explained to the doctor. Again, no sense of danger. And where was all the debris, where were the helicopter blades on the topfof the helicopter? And the battle scenes? all they did was grab 4 or 5 Israeli tanks and wheel them back and forth. I managed to see ONE tank fire a shot at some point. PLEASE!!! I'm not even IN the army and I'm quite sure that is NOT the way you fight a battle.You want to see REALISTIC!!!???? you want to see a REAL anti war film? Then you go watch PRIVATE RYAN, NOW THAT IS A MOVIE! The scenes in the movie were so realistic is brought back a lot of memories and shock thatto the veterans that watched the movie and were there. If they say it was realistic, then that's good enough for me.
kwhatever55 This is not a Hollywood film, and not an action film by any means. Its an art film, just look at the opening love making sequence. Two characters making love sopping in paint on Yom Kippur while everyone else takes part in religious activities. You dont get much more sac-religious than this. So we know this is not a propoganda film. Despite its boredom and such, when compared to other "anti-war" films like platoon and such, this is king. Why? Because there is nothing glorifying about it or the characters, its boring, there is not a single gunshot in the whole film. Rather we spend 2 hours following a medical rescue team in a chopper hauling dead and wounded bodies into a chopper. No heroic sacrifice, no barely dodging bullets and RPG's, no cool action sequences at all. Israel needs more films like this, to see the futility of fighting wars like this. The use of long shots puts us on the outside looking in on the film, and the use of long takes helps us observe these events in real time. Specifically with the stuck in the mud scene. THe one character ironically says "this earth, this sH^&*^" When the Israeli ideology is so focused on a spiritual connection with the land, the land they feel entitled to. Its about time that Anti-war films actually institute a feeling of real social change, and not pretend to be anti-war films conveying sacrifice and a "it was worth it" ideal. Real anti-war films do not just show the horror of blood and guts and death, they show the futility of it completely. And they are very difficult for the viewer to accept for the first time.