Kinky Killers
Kinky Killers
| 01 June 2007 (USA)
Kinky Killers Trailers

Patients of sexy psychiatrist Dr. Jill Kessey and eccentric attorney Alexander Hathaway are being murdered in bloody, satanic rituals. Law enforcement investigations reveal that sex and mutilation are the signatures of a serial killer, who likes to tattoo each of the victims after they are murdered. Lead detective Barry Harper discovers that some beautiful professional women are the prey...or are they doing the preying?

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
shonufftx22 I am sitting here after trying to watch Kinky Killers having to reexamine my trust in IMDb. After about 50 minutes I had to turn it off. I wish I could go back in time and watch paint dry or grass grow, maybe even stick red hot pokers in my eyes. It is written, acted, shot, edited and directed so terribly that I couldn't finish it. The cover and recommendations at the bottom of IMDb appealed to me so I figured why not give it a shot. The cops are over the top tough to the point of being a joke. The "suspects" and lawyers are written to take abuse and act like pricks so the tough cop act will carry but all I could think was WTF every scene. I just can't express how CRAPPY this movie is and I am a horror movie freak and have watch some pretty bad movies but this is over the top bad. Save your money and more so your time and sanity and do something, anything else!
Billy_Crash "Polycarp" or "Kinky Killers" was so abysmal I had to abandon the movie. There was just no sense in watching this dreck.This movie has it all: bad narrative, bad acting, sterile photography, horrendous editing and weak direction.It's clear Del Vecchio did absolutely no research when it came to police procedure or psychiatry. This not only made for a pathetic and trite story, but one without substance or even the most remote connection to reality.This had the feel of a very bad made for TV movie written by something with an idea, yet had no sense of story or character. The worst part was seeing both Durning and Pare degrade themselves.This is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
TdSmth5 There is material for a good movie here: a mysterious and brutal killer, smart and gritty cops in search for the killer, pretty girls, nudity, sex, a story based on religion and the occult, yet somehow it all doesn't work. The story is told from the perspective of no one. Although at first it looks like we'll follow along with the cops. But as soon as you start getting settled, a scene is inserted that makes no sense, with character we don't know and that are not explained. This occurs a lot. There are a bunch of characters that don't seem to serve any purpose, whose dialogue is cryptic in its banality and leaves you wondering why these scenes are there. We meet cops, lawyers, psychiatrists, PhD students, but don't know exactly what their purpose is in the movie. Out of nowhere, the main cop starts quoting long bible passages and there seems to be a religious matter at issue but that doesn't become all that clear until the very end. And it's actually quite surprising the turn this movie takes from slasher film to fantastic occultism. The acting varies, some actors are good others not. This movie looks good for the most part. The problem is the direction and/or editing that doesn't create a character for the viewers to identify with and follow or, in the absence of that, a story that is transparent yet leaves enough mystery to keep you engaged. The title "Polycarp" is better than the silly "Kinky Killers," a shame that distributors have to dumb down everything and lie in the process: the DVD cover has nothing to do with the movie.
Geminate I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Polycarp aka Kinky Killers will bore your senses to death.You know those movies that look and feel like someone took a pickup truck down to the Sunset Strip and rounded up a bunch of prostitutes and whores, gave them scripts, drugs and money, and then said: NOW ACT! Well, this is one of 'those' movies.After about two minutes into this cheese-fest, you start feeling like you are watching a really bad porno flick. The directing, the lines, the cast, just give it away that the movie was governed end-to-end by the porn industry.Then (since they rounded up a lot of prostitutes off of the Sunset Strip), there is that problem where too many characters look alike - white, dumb and blond. You quickly become confused as to which dumb blond is getting hacked on now, but you resign yourself to not really caring since the movie is just so bad.The story is completely inane. The acting is so bad you can't believe God made people this stupid. There is no Good versus Evil, since everyone in the movie is evil; so does it really matter which evil wins? At the 30 minute mark you get the overwhelming feeling to just stop watching and try something else, but you decide to see it through. Next time remember to not be so heroic. At around 4/5 into the movie it actually does become a dedication to pornography, witchcraft, Satan and sex-magick. Everyone just starts having sex with whoever, I kid you not.The ending is as bad or worse than the beginning, leaving you with the typical WTF?! puzzlement. With a title of Kinky Killers (which by the way is meaningless) I suppose you should expect something sexual in nature, but this rode right over to the pornography arena in the last 20 minutes making it unfit for children and teens to view.A polycarp is a talking fish. A polycarp is a plastic fish. Polycarp is short for: polyester carpeting.