King Naresuan Part: 1
King Naresuan Part: 1
| 18 January 2007 (USA)
King Naresuan Part: 1 Trailers

The film concerns the life of King Naresuan, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma. Born in 1555, he was taken to Burma as a child hostage; there he became acquainted with sword fighting and became a threat to the Burmese empire.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
fredcdobbs5 "Kingdom of War"--which was the title I saw it under in a two-disc DVD set from Magnolia Home Entertainment--has some things going against it but a lot more going for it. For Westerners unfamiliar with Thai history, it gets a bit confusing because so many historical names and places are mentioned and the shifting political and military alliances change so often that it's hard to tell the players without a scorecard and, as other reviewers have mentioned, the acting is, at times, somewhat stilted. Also, I know that royalty is revered in Thailand, possibly more so than in other countries, but seeing the complete subservience of everyone to the various kings and lords--there were even scenes of people walking toward the king on their knees because apparently no one is allowed to stand taller than the king, something I'd never seen before--is somewhat hard for Westerners to take (we're much more comfortable cursing and swearing at our leaders than prostrating ourselves in front of them, as much as they'd no doubt probably like us to).That's all small potatoes, though. Overall, I enjoyed this film way more than I thought I would. It's an epic in every conceivable sense of the word--thousands of extras, huge and fantastic sets, beautiful costumes and interiors (palaces, throne rooms, etc.), and truly spectacular battle scenes. The story--after you finally figure out who is who--is fascinating and not all the acting is stilted; the actress who plays Princess Lekin is not only one of the most ravishingly beautiful women I've ever seen but gives a first-rate performance, possibly the best one in the film. The man who plays King Nerusuan--the Special Features section, which you should really watch, says he is actually a Thai Army colonel who was hired because the producers wanted someone with military experience to play one of Thailand's great military heroes--also contributes an excellent job, along with several other actors in lesser roles (the head monk and Prince Menechan, among others).As I said, it's a bit hard to slog through in the beginning, but once you get the different characters, kingdoms, etc., straightened out, it's an incredibly enjoyable film, both visually and story-wise. I recommend it.
skillysantos although this film was to be done in one long 'epic' feature film, it was instead broken down to many films. Looking upon this film and seeing it was made in Thailand, the first thing going through my head was that this film may be like the terribly disgusting Ong Bak film that lacked everything but the story. I was wrong. This film doesn't lack much but certainly deserve the rating it has on IMDb. Because it was broken down to fit in the time schedule, we don't know how many days have passed where we see lots of scenes in daylight and it seems like one whole day but it isn't. It started off slowly but gradually get into it. nevertheless an amazing film with a lot of good scenes and definitely brings us into the story for the next film.
Ruxo After seen two episodes of this movie, I can say it's better than Suriyothai in every aspect, especially in story telling. But it's still not good enough to give the audience of its full picture. Time in movie's confusing, at any moment, I couldn't know whether it'd been a day or a month. Just felt that people moved from city to city so fast. The film also spent significant time on side line stories that, IMHO, unnecessary. However, I like sound effect and music, it fitted nicely with many scenes. Especially, in episode 2, it gave great feeling in many battle scenes. Totally, I like this movie. I consider it as the best & great Thai movie for current time and hope to see it better in future time.
phomthai2 From the English-language newspaper 'The Nation' in Thailand: 'King Naresuan'Shatters Box Office Record "The Legend of King Naresuan" has set a new Thai box-office record, raking in 120 million baht in four days.The film is tipped to be an all-time blockbuster.Distributor Sahamongkol Film said the first in the Naresuan trilogy broke the previous record held by action film "Tom Yum Goong", which starred Phanom "Tony Jaa" Yerum, which took in 90 million baht in four days.MC Chatrichalerm Yukol's historical epic is expected to follow the success of his 2001 "Suriyothai". That film remains the country's No-1 all time best-seller, with revenues of about 400 million baht.At the time, "Suriyothai" set a new record of 75 million baht for its first four days.An industry source said the first of the Naresuan trilogy could have dragged in even more if producers had printed extra copies.Another factor against the film is its three-hour running time - limiting the number of sessions a cinema can screen."Only a quarter of the planned 260 copies were available during the first three days, and all prints were finished on Sunday only," said Sahamongkol distribution executive Chomsajee Techaratanaprasert.The second episode will premiere on February 15, with the final one scheduled for December 5.It is Thailand's most expensive film production to date, costing 700 million baht for all three.Distributors of Hollywood films have avoided competing with the local epic. Golden Globe winner "Babel" and "The Queen" will be released on February 22 and March 8.The second Naresuan movie will have to compete with the films "Charlotte's Web"; "The Queen"; and "I'm Cyborg but That's Okay", with South Korean heart-throb Rain in his acting debut.The Nation ===================================================================== Personal opinion:There's a reason for all of the ticket sales. It's very good!