King Kelly
King Kelly
| 30 November 2012 (USA)
King Kelly Trailers

Kelly strips – her best friend Jordan captures the event on her mobile phone. Kelly’s name is well known among the visitors of (in)appropriate online portals. The two teenagers digitally record anything and everything that crosses their paths and upload the results to the internet. But, today is not their day: Kelly’s ex-boyfriend has taken her car containing a package she was not to lose under any circumstances. While searching for it, the two set off on a peculiar journey through a night peppered with drugs, sex, corrupt police officers and other catastrophes – and always with their trusty mobiles in hand.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
kosmasp This starts of pretty raunchy and sexual, but goes on to tell us a story. Some might be put off (no pun intended) by the way this is shot (Found Footage style). The main character is also very annoying (that's the point). It's also does shed light on the internet craze and what teenagers dream about or go through.It might not be the best example of a movie trying to educate and tell people what is going on. Someone like "King Kelly" also won't be educated on things or what she might possibly be doing wrong. Not by her family nor by her friends. The ego is bigger than this. So big, that it won't mind sacrifices (of any kind) ... Illusion is real
MongoLloyd This mostly POV cam film is about as intimate as it gets when it comes to an in-your- face look at a day in the life of a completely superficial teenage (or so) cam model. It's not without its plot holes but it's a non-stop train wreck of family and friend drama that constantly swirls and foments into a seemingly impossible to escape situation.The lead and supporting cast are perfect and the pacing and writing definitely comes from a filmmaker who knows what they are doing. This is the best film of it's type that I've seen since Project X, but steer clear if you aren't into teenage party films.
ambrosia_1 It is difficult to review this movie without spoilers because it is so disjointed.The opening scene is an extreme closeup showing only the audio and text of an online sex chat between teenage Kelly and various older men that are paying for the privilege of watching Kelly "perform" for them. But this scene is deceptive because it's not what the movie is about. It is merely to introduce you to the life of a young girl that is pure "id" (or "superego") caring only about herself.Kelly wants to "go pro" by starting a webcam site of her own, but again, that's not what the movie is about.Early on, we are introduced to Kelly's dysfunctional White Trash family for some insight on just why young Kelly is so troubled.Friends, family, everyone that gets sucked into Kelly's self-involved world ends up worse for it. Following a falling out with her on-again/off-again boyfriend, Kelly finds herself in a world of trouble, turning to one of her online clients for help. Things continue to spiral out of control and you are taken for a ride on one of the worst nights of anyone's life.The acting isn't awful, and despite an amateurish script, is worth watching till the end, but don't go looking for "King Kelly" on Oscar night.
Utpal Das Louisa Krause... never heard of her, but what a fine actress... she really can make you hate Kelly. Kelly is the girl you want to be friends with, why? Maybe because she is the girl you would really love to make out with, but you know she wouldn't probably even know you, so you really would like to bitch about her as how much of a bitch she is where actually you would probably give an arm just to be friends. Well, at least that is the picture Louisa Krause completely drew out of the Kelly character. Louisa Krause really got to the skin of the character. Yes, the entire camera is like a POV, but not like those shaky hand held cameras where you kind of feel like pulling your hair out, so I have strong doubts if it was actually done by the iPhone she carried, it was made to look like that,, but I doubt that strongly. But the result was good, you are made to feel you are looking at a POV but it is nicely captured. The movie... well, "typical American" girl trying to be a internet star through her peep show and what follows for roughly 24 hours. The story is barely watchable, just a random 24 hours happening, but Louisa Krause makes it watchable. Like the other reviewer mentioned, it is a weird film, not really a comedy at all as mentioned in IMDb. There are naked scenes, drug use, sex and all, so strictly not watchable with children, difficult to say who the target audience is, looks more like the girls of 18 to 24 who are like the Kelly character. Watch the movie for Louisa Krause, she is really good. You might forget the movie, but you will not forget to hate King Kelly.