| 18 January 2009 (USA)
Kimjongilia Trailers

The first film to fully expose the humanitarian crisis of North Korea, this stylish, deeply moving documentary is centered around astonishing interviews with survivors of North Korea's vast and largely hidden prison camps, and interspersed with archival footage of North Korean propoganda films and original art performances.

Micitype Pretty Good
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
filmalamosa I have seen 2 or 3 documentaries about North Korea they were all compelling--it is a fascinating live brain washing horror show. The show they put on is impressive.This was the worst one not because of the stories far from it they ring completely true. But the use of interpretive modern mime like dancers in a split screen mode and other artistic gimmicks just distracts from these really horrific sad and tragic stories.For some reason the story that stood out for me was the girl whose brother carried her on his back when she had typhoid fever to China...he was later shot for turning himself in taking food to his parents.You have to wonder at these dear leaders--who need to be torn apart on the streets--and what humans are capable of living with and doing to each.
MartinHafer "Kimjonilia" is a documentary about life in North Korea during the last couple decades. It has no narration but instead consists of interviews with various folks who have escaped the country and are now telling their stories. The stories involve mass prison camps, torture, executions, starvation and total repression. Their eyewitness accounts are very compelling and sad---and they can't help but break your hearts. In between, you also have various clips of North Korean propaganda TV shows and massive highly choreographed dances all designed to sign the praises of their 'glorious leader'--Kim Jong-Il.This was an odd documentary. Although the content was fantastically compelling, the artistic style was just awful. I just don't get it and all the 'artsy' stuff distracted from the very powerful message. You see, throughout the film, there are many scenes of a woman dressed in a North Korean uniform doing bizarre interpretive dances! So, you have heart-wrenching story after heart-wrenching story of privation and murder...and then this weird dancing! Additionally, several times during the film, characters were shown in the weirdest sort of close-ups--a person's left eye or nose or any other part of the face was shown up very, very close. Perhaps this was an odd way to show a person without showing the whole face in order to protect their identity but surely there must have been a better way to do this! Overall, a very compelling message and a film well worth seeing--despite some silly artistic decisions.
poe426 It's mind-boggling to think that Concentration Camps still exist in the twenty-first century- yet, here we have the testimony of an escapee who witnessed the murder of both his mother and his brother inside a Korean concentration camp. Their crime? Expressing disagreement with Kim Kong's genocidal policies. (Dissendents risk not only THEIR lives, but the lives of THREE GENERATIONS of their families when they "pop off.") Children are literally BORN into concentration camp slavery and, as if that weren't bad enough, should they somehow manage to escape, they find themselves sold into slavery by the very people who help smuggle them into, say, China. (Women, of course, find themselves slaves in the sex trade.) But wait- it gets even better! As one escapee (a former military man) reveals, in one year alone, 3.5 MILLION PEOPLE STARVED TO DEATH in Korea. In MY book, that makes Kim Jong one ILL mother****er...
sddavis63 There's absolutely no doubt that North Korea is one of the most mysterious, most secretive and most repressive regimes in the world today. For those reasons, I suppose it holds a certain fascination for a lot of people - myself included. It makes no sense. The very concept of a family dynasty in a Communist country is completely contradictory, and yet North Korea seems poised in the near future to move on to the third generation of the Kim Dynasty. This movie takes its name from the second of the Kim Dynasty - the Dear Leader himself, Kim Jong-Il. In fact, the name "Kimjongilia" is actually the name of a flower named after Kim Jong-Il that was developed by a Japanese botanist to celebrate Korean- Japanese friendship. The flower - a point this documentary makes repeatedly - is supposed to represent wisdom, love, justice and peace. Go figure.This film centres on the brutality of the North Korean dictatorship and on the desperate situation of the North Korean people, who face hunger and repression every moment of every day. Their lives are completely choreographed from birth on - a point brilliantly made by the scenes of brilliantly choreographed and very beautiful demonstrations and military parades. It's told through the eyes of several people who have escaped the country and its system of prison camps, and it mixes in some snippets of North Korean history and some fascinating examples of North Korean film-making, whose sole purpose seems to be to virtually deify the Kims. The point is made several times that Kim Il-Sung - the founder of the dynasty - is regarded as a virtual god, while Kim Jong-Il, his son, is also revered in a manner fit for a deity. The stories are heart-breaking, and the film clearly leads up to its last few scenes, which are a thinly veiled appeal for the world's help in ridding North Korea of this evil system, so the film is hardly unbiased - nor should it be. The Kim Dynasty is an evil dynasty that has happily kept its people brutally under its thumb for 60 years. There's no reason to sugar-coat that, and this film doesn't do that even for a second. Also coming in for some harsh words near the end of this is the People's Republic of China, a nation hardly loved by North Korean dissidents because it returns to North Korea those escapees it catches who have made it into China.Overall this is a very good film. I wasn't entirely clear on the purpose of the dancing girl who kept popping up or on the point her dance moves were making. It almost seemed as if this was a sort of "narration by dance." The film paints a very believable picture of what life is like north of the 38th parallel on the Korean Peninsula, although it doesn't really tackle the question of why people living in such desperate circumstances don't revolt - when people who were less desperate than this revolted against vicious Communist dictators in Eastern Europe (especially Romania.) So many questions remain when this is over, but it gives perhaps the clearest picture of life in North Korea that I've come across.