| 28 October 1999 (USA)
Kimberly Trailers

Four young men fall in love with the same woman. When they all find themselves attracted by Kimberly, hey vow not to fight for her affections during the season -- but then she gets pregnant and doesn't know which teammate is the father.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
dansview I like to have someone to root for,even in a romantic comedy. For the first half of this picture, I didn't have that. The woman was a player, the men were either obnoxious idiots, or disengaged losers, and there was little character development to most of them.That's why I clicked out of netflix at the halfway point. But I wound up giving it another chance the next day and watched the second half. OK, it redeemed itself. Just barely, but I'll give it some credit.I liked the concept: Four grown buddies who bond over rowing on the Delware River and find both love and themselves.Philadelphia looked absolutely great, if that's where it was actually filmed.There were some questionable morality issues, but they resolved themselves for the most part by the end.Sean Astin was his usual self. Not much of a stretch there. If you like his general routine, you will like him here. (Carefree, blue collar, slovenly, short guy) Gabrielle Anwar is about 7 years past her prime beauty era from Scent of a Woman and For Love or Money. Now she is also speaking in a British accent, which I think is her normal voice. (she played Americans in those other two films) In this film, she is at times wiry, and shows her age in terms of forehead wrinkles and some anguished facial expressions toward the end. Nevertheless, she is appealing, and you can understand why the guys like her.I liked the last scene very much. Without spoiling it, you see that the men have found their piece of the happiness pie.
Hepburnista The story is about four friends who all are very different from another, but end up falling for their rodding- coach Kimberly. After have sworn "never to date or have sex with Kimberly", they "all" go and do it, which ends up with the fact that Kimberly gets pregnant. They all react in pretty different ways, but the one guy who is certain the baby isn't his since he never "made love to her", makes the other guys take their responsibility and it ends with everybody getting really excited about the baby and think that just THEY are the daddy... This movie was sooo funny and had a fell-good feeling all the way trough. I LOVED IT. OKeeeeeeey, it isn't very likely that none of the guys demand a DNA-test, but that thing really didn't bother me at all! they are all nice men (except for maybe the one who cheated on his girlfriend)and they really care about Kimberly. So, please stop being so cynical and just accept the movie for what it really is, adorable.
wesley willis so let me get this straight... these 4 guys from philly "all" bang their rowing instructor... OK, i can buy that, it's pretty believable. when they find out, one calls her a slut (even though he was involved in another relationship, and cheated with her, but then, i think she new he had a long term live-in girlfriend when she slept with him), and the other guy tries to break his face for it, because he's sure he is in love with her. spoiler---- the other two didn't even actually have sex with her, though one thought he did, and the other is just so damned gentle, sweet, and nice, he pretended to have done it, to make his friends feel better, since he was so damned superior to them... then they all decide to be there for her, support her through the pregnancy, and play daddy... no one even asked for a DNA test? righhhhht and of course it turns out to be the guy who loves her who is the father, because good things happen to pretty girls in movies.we're totally glossing over the part where they won a row race with only the scantest bits of training...OK, so the plot is really not truly set in this world... so what, it's a movie. the settings are excellent, and made me super homesick for philly (probably because they avoided showing how damn dirty most of the city is) the casting truly wasn't bad, nor the acting as bad as some people on here are accusing it of having been. Jason Lewis portrayed old philly money perfectly, as did the folks who played his parents. Sean Astin was a perfect rendition of at least a half a dozen guys i knew from back the plot didn't sell me, the acting wasn't too bad...guys, there could be worse movies to get stuck watching with your girl...
Sam-285 This story seems very nice on the surface. Kimberly is nice to all the guys, whereas in most romantic movies the guys are not as nice to the gals.When I looked below the surface a bit, though, I realized that I have good reason to question Kimberly's behavior. Assuming you watch the movie, just consider what the reaction would be if the story was about one guy and four gals and the guy treated the women the way that Kimberly treats the four men in this movie.