Killer Tomatoes Strike Back!
Killer Tomatoes Strike Back!
PG | 14 November 1991 (USA)
Killer Tomatoes Strike Back! Trailers

Police assitant Boyle along with tomatologist Kennedi Johnson look into investigations about Killer Tomato attacks, and discover Gangrene plans to brainwash people via TV talk shows to take over the world! Will Gangrene be stopped? Will Johnson become part of a Bacon, Lettuce and Human sandwich?

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Eric Stevenson This movie features the Killer Tomatoes returning once more with Professor Gangreene using TV to hypnotize the world or some stupid thing like that. This film makes no sense even by the standards the other movies do. It features the main cop character saying that he doesn't believe in killer tomatoes. In the first movie, there was a war that everybody saw that showed these things! It's even said there was a second war with these guys. I saw the second movie and it wasn't a war. It was a far smaller conflict. They even show scenes from the first movie. They do that and still get the plot of the second one wrong.The second one, while very bad, at least had some interesting fourth wall jokes going on. There are much fewer here and the jokes are not funny at all. The only good thing is that we finally get to see the tomatoes with faces. That's what the movie posters were promising us for such a long time. Just when you think the series has ended, Professor Gangreene is somehow shown to have survived the tomatoes with just damage to his nose. Maybe I could forgive this if it was actually entertaining. There's only so many times you can show tomatoes attacking people. It's just them showing how much they can milk this single joke for a whole movie series. *1/2
jacobjohntaylor1 I do not know why this got a 3.3 this movie very funny. It is very underrated. This is the third killer tomatoes movie. This first two are good. This one is better. This is one of the funniest movie from 1991. The forth killer tomatoes movie Killer tomatoes eat France is better. Still this is a good movie. There are not to many comedy movie that are not funny. This one is very funny. This movie has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. This movie is a must see. John Astin is very funny in this movie. Cystal Carson is a great actress. Rick Rockwell is a good actor. John De Bello is a great film maker. See this movie. See all the killer tomatoes movies.
SnoopyStyle Police detective Boyle along with beautiful tomato scientist Kennedi Johnson are investigating suspicious deaths. Johnson believes it's killer tomatoes but Boyle dismisses her. Professor Gangreen (John Astin) is disguised as outrageous TV talk show host Jeronahew to brainwash the people and enslave the world with his killer tomatoes. Johnson is attacked by a tomato but Boyle refuses to believe.Boyle is a horribly stupid character and not in the funny way. He is annoying and the actor is not funny. He is so unfunny that he actually subtracts from the others. Johnson's fake screaming is an almost funny gag. John Astin could have worked in a better movie. I just can't stand Boyle. There is a small chance that some people will find this to be so bad that it becomes good. For me, I don't drink that much anymore.
bobbo924 This is a silly, silly movie without a serious intent in its entire running time. But funny, it certainly is, and the high points are the all-too-brief scenes featuring Kevin West as a mad bank teller. I've bought the movie just for these scenes (though it is fun in general). West is one of the underrated comic wizards of our time, and the bank scene will convince you. I won't spoil it with details, but it's Deliverance meets PeeWee. A second Westian moment, in which he's held captive by the villains and discusses his odd proclivities, is priceless. I can say no more.Overall, the film lacks the out-of-the-box wildness of the original, but hey, it's a Killer Tomatoes film and therefore not without some fruitful redeeming value. John Astin is, as always, John Astin. The premise is strictly Saturday morning cartoon. It's neither Brecht nor Hemingway, though it's both absurd and mercifully brief. But Kevin West is the draw, and no tomato is safe.