Killer Me
Killer Me
| 18 October 2001 (USA)
Killer Me Trailers

Killer Me is the story of a serial killer and the stalker who loves him.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
R.F. Montgomery This is a compelling, serious film about psychotic behavior, rather than a typical serial killer flick. It certainly has it's suspenseful moments but where it really shines is as a character study, and even more strangely, as a love story. I haven't seen a film in a long time that has so successfully externalized such an internal character. The film is so obsessively told in the first person of the main character, Joseph, that we nearly breath as he breaths, think as he thinks. When we first meet Anna, the future love interest, it's so uncomfortable to see Joseph's reaction that it's almost unwatchable. We feel Joseph's struggle to quell his inner demons, to cast away his violent thoughts so he can have a normal existence with Anna. This is a killer who truly does not want to kill. In this way he becomes human, sympathetic, a metaphor for anyone who struggles to cure their inner ghosts."Killer Me" is one of the most interesting, unique films to come out this year. The acting is all top-notch, especially for a cast of complete unknowns. The cinematography is very atmospheric, switching between the more sedate and extremely stark depending on the mood of the character. The sound score is brilliant. If you can manage to find a copy, check it out.
igor-86 Premise:" Killer Me is a mysterious, unsettling film that gets inside your head with a gritty, first person feel recalling low-budget shockers like Peter Bogdonovich's Targets and Michael Powell's Peeping Tom. "This film is a refreshing change to the popularly done serial killer films. What you see is what you get. It's not in your face, it's not forced, it is a nice, refreshing travel through a serial killers day to day life. Joe is a serial killer that is triggered by violence. Living in a not so nice area makes Joe's killing sprees an avid event. But what is different about this film, is that Joe HAS a conscious. You get the feeling that he doesn't really like what it is he does. And you just have to like that when he tried to kill a couple of people, Murphy and his laws come into play, and all attempts are ceased.Anna comes into Joe's life by way of a college class they are in together. Things slowly unfold and he begins to have feelings for her with the "you remind me of my mother" factor.If you are looking for gore,nudity,or soft porn, don't watch this movie. This movie has taste and class. I wouldn't be surprised if they showed this film on IFC some day. VERY well done,and not your typical serial killer film. This is very cleansing to the palate.As reported by Igor of Horror-Web.Com
Tom Jennings A very unique take on a topic that has been done many times in lesser hands. This film brings so much originality to its audience instead of the same "been there - done that" journey. I'd say i like this better than Dahmer... though both are great, this film keeps you interested from begin to end and never puts you to sleep. See it just for the wonderful performances. The film was really casted right for such a low budget. So many low budget films have a bunch of non-talents but this film obviously took the time to select the right players. A must see for all people interested in low budget films and especially unique horror movies.
rje58 Zachary Hansen's Killer Me is a chilling psychological study of two people building a very unusual relationship. Even when you think you see what's coming, this film keeps you off-balance and draws you in to the emotional turmoil of the two lead characters. George Foster makes his character, Joseph, come alive in all his technicolor torment. Christina Kew gives a great performance as the strangely bold-yet-timid female lead (Anna) who sometimes seems almost to take her own breath away with her actions. Watching the relationship evolve between these two is fascinating, and only becomes moreso as the story unfolds.This film is not for everyone, but will appeal to a broad range of film fans, while refusing to neatly fit into any single category. There are things in this film that we never figure out or know for certain, but one thing that is certain is that Joseph is emotionally disturbed, and suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Anna is obviously not only attracted to but somehow drawn to Joseph. This is one of those rare films that succeeds in leaving the viewer satisfied without answering all the questions and filling in the blanks.Neal Fredericks, cinematographer for THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, also filmed KILLER ME.The promotional literature for this film says: "Killer Me is a mysterious, unsettling film that gets inside your head..." and this picture delivers on that promise.