Killer Bitch
Killer Bitch
| 03 May 2010 (USA)
Killer Bitch Trailers

A woman is forced into a deadly game in which she has to kill five people or all her friends and family will be butchered.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
scitlands_army Honestly, this movie was just... Bad. I doesn't really tell us anything of what's actually going on, people always seem to be shouting and nothing has any setup at all; it's like getting tossed naked into a cage of starving/crazed weasels.If I could give it a zero, I would. Normally boobs would at least give it a quarter star in my book, but they were all that ugly implant kind, where the nipples are stretched and not appealing at all, at least not to me.Watch it if you want, but go in expecting the worst. Even then you'll still be disappointed.*Updated reflections*So I've recently taken to watching the Cinema Snob and have a greater appreciation of the general genre of exploitation. That being said, this movie is still garbage; it's the only movie in my memory where I couldn't even watch the whole thing to the end, I was too lost and confused about what was going on that I was not getting any enjoyment or entertainment out of the experience.If you want a bad movie that isn't going to just rot your brain check out V/H/S. It's pretty stupid but at least... at least it's not this movie.
trashgang Someone in the UK mentioned this flick to me to see it. I did and I was surprised what I just saw. Not coming from the UK I don't know all the actors, sigh, that are in this turkey. A bit of research told me that the most of them are in the boxing scene. Whatever, the back ground is not important. If you are making a flick then you must know what you are doing. I guess the reason why it was released was the fact that Alex Reid, winner of the final series of the UK's "Celebrity Big Brother" was in it. And of course the use of almost pornographic material. Yes, you will see an old man with a belly running around with his dick naked. You will see a lot of fake breasts in extreme close up and the film starts with an almost pornographic scene. To make it shock, well, that part surely worked. There are also a lot of shootings, well, see them drop dead, I mean, fall. The worst acting is in it, the red stuff flows, there's a lot of bare fist fighting and boxing and of course a lot of dialects, so typical for British flicks. Nothing is explained, why she has to kill 5 persons, I just don't know. If you want to see fat bodies full of tattoos, some boxing promo and fake juggs, go ahead, otherwise avoid it.
jktemp To say this is awful is a total understatement. The acting and i use that term very loosely - is atrocious - surely they must have been embarrassed whilst filming this pathetic excuse for a 'film'. It is just one long disjointed scene of brain-dead moron 'hard men' criminals trying to out 'hard' each other and looking like retards. In that sense it is amusing- I have ticked the spoiler box as I'm mentioning things from the film- but there is nothing to spoil. A woman (desperately trying to look younger than she actually is (Whitney dressed as Britney)who for no reason at all is forced to kill people on a list or lots of whore models and photographers will die- even when she does kill the people on the list - her 'models' (slappers) still die. Mix in a 'scouser' idiot out for revenge for his girlfriend getting a struggle cuddle in a bar cellar! - The lamest rape scene ever- seen worse in a PG film!Avoid this- Alex Reid (Mr Jordan/transvestite) rolls around looking inept at fighting with people who no one really knows- but are obviously some underground 'hard men' or something- It all makes no sense- nothing is explained- or even attempted at being explained- just dreadful acting, dialogue, pathetic editing and pound land effects and sound dubbing. I guess it does have one use- IT SHOULD BE SHOWN TO MEDIA STUDENTS AS A "HOW NOT TO MAKE A FILM"
David O'Brien This is like someone going around with a cine camera filming famous London lowlifes, porn stars and Z-list actors. The plot is non-existent. The "famous" rape scene is absolutely ridiculous. To rape someone, you have to have removed their underwear first! I wouldn't mind if the gore was realistic. It is actually laughable in the extreme. Don't insult your intelligence by sitting through this. Cass Pennant is not a professional actor and he gives the "best of a bad lot" performance of anyone in the film. I am assuming this film had a budget of around 50p. That's what it looks like to me. You'd do better yourself on YouTube !