Killer Bash
Killer Bash
| 01 March 2005 (USA)
Killer Bash Trailers

Terror strikes a campus after the vengeful spirit of a murdered collegian possesses a student.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
bowiebonolennon Being a woman, I don't spend much time in the boy's locker room...But I am pretty sure campus locker rooms aren't filled to the brim with a bunch of half naked soccer players downing liquor like water...And sucking on red suckers...Terrible movie. Don't bother.
H vD Apparently everyone else who has commented on this movie restricts themselves to B-class (closer to D) movies only. In reality, anyone with standards might wish to rate this in relation to good movies and, consequently, give it the 1 star rating it deserves.I mean, where do I even begin??? Though I want to throw up on my keyboard, I'll give it a stab: 1. The plot was horrendous. A nerdy guy gets thrown over a balcony by a bunch of aggressive frat boys. Then, for no apparent reason, 30 years later another semi-nerdy girl takes out some library books previously owned by the original nerd and finds a map leading her to the basement where his class ring is in the middle the hallway (again, 30 years later!). Upon finding the ring she becomes quasi possessed with his spirit and, with red eyes ablaze, causes the death of the sons of the frat guys who killed the nerd. This all happens leading up to the big "Delta party" where, predictably, the rest of the sons die in pathetic ways to atone for the sins of their fathers. Why it takes 30 years to make this happen, or why revenge is exacted upon the sons and not the original perpetrators is beyond my comprehension. But then again, what should I have expected? 2. The over-the-top, absolutely ridiculous, and seemingly illegal homo-eroticism. Midway through this 'film' my fiancé and I picked up the DVD case to make sure we hadn't rented a soft-core porno. In 5 minute intervals (literally, you could set your watch by it) several of the young men would disrobe, run around, and during one memorable scene strip down to their boxers while pouring booze on one another while the others pranced with undone belts. In fact, I'm now watching the big party scene where three guys are dancing on a table in boxers while the rest of the college folk stand and drink. Apparently this is what Canadian fraternities are like.... Uh huh....3. The lack of understanding of college life is appalling. According to this 'movie' (sorry, but something of this caliber requires sarcastic quotations): colleges are attended by 20 people, soccer practices are held on the local green, guys lift weights shirtless on the same green (with weight benches and all), guys are initiated into fraternities by drinking a shot and dancing in their boxers (see point #2), girls are initiated through "hey do you wanna be in our sorority?"... "um, yeah"... "ok!", there is one administrator for the entire school, and the list goes miserably on.I could go on almost indefinitely but this 'movie' has already sucked enough time and brainpower from me. If you'd like to see a bunch of idiots prancing around shirtless, all the while cringing in wait for them to actually get naked, while listening to poor actors take part in a nonexistent plot then this is your flick.Don't say I didn't warn you....
Kalikii For an independent film without much hype, Killer Bash was greatly entertaining and Raquel Riskin is a great new actress.The story moves along to an exciting finish.I liked the subtlety of parts of the story and sophistication of the characters.Good writing!The support characters were believable also.The location is perfect and the drama unfolds in the daylight and in the dark. In fact, most of the scariest scenes are in broad daylight - different - excellent.
Capn002 Totally worthy of a viewing. Especially if you're watching it just to avoid doing something else, or you're not really that into it to begin with. It was classic Decoteau. The plot, about a possessed girl who becomes popular (perhaps because of the possession, perhaps not... that's kinda debatable) at least gives Decoteau a good reason to let his camera oggle hot guys. The acting was definitely b-quality, which, really, is what one would expect in a b-movie. Decent plot, hot guys, plenty of scenes with the hot guys, requisite scene with boys rubbing each other down in their boxer briefs. The ending, which I won't mention, was bad. Not super-bad, but bad.