Killer at Large
Killer at Large
| 21 November 2008 (USA)
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Obesity rates in the United States have reached epidemic proportions in recent years. Killer at Large shows how little is being done and more importantly, what can be done to reverse it. Killer at Large also explores the human element of the problem with portions of the film that follow a 12-year old girl who has a controversial liposuction procedure to fix her weight gain and a number of others suffering from obesity, including filmmaker Neil Labute.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Dalbert Pringle When you see something really-really yummy to eat (Mmm! Mmm!) - Are your eyes bigger than your stomach? According to this 2008 documentary - America is, literally, going to fat. And, by the looks of it - It ain't a pretty picture."Killer At Large" tells the somewhat convoluted, the sometimes contradictory, and the often-times condescending story of the mighty shaky politics of American fast-food addiction.One of the main concerns here has to do with the influential snack-food industry who are deliberately encouraging and manipulating the easily-seduced public (especially the kids) to fill their faces with junk-food.IMO - This "health-concern" presentation had its good moments, as well as its not-so-good moments, too.*Note* - It really killed me that some of the "informed" health experts who were interviewed here (and were adamantly complaining about the horrors of America's obesity epidemic) were, in fact, quite over-weight themselves.
Kellykyle Why do we continue to take on the responsibility of parents? The real documentary is asking the question why parents allow their kids to go to school and eat junk. Let's explore the trend of parents to shirk responsibility. The number one role of a parent is to feed and shelter. It is not the job of public education to feed the students. Here's a solution- close the cafeterias and get the parents to pack a lunch or have junior and senior high kids pack their own. This is a ridiculous documentary. If parents stop giving grade school students money and pack them a real lunch then there go the rotten lunch programs. If the intent of this documentary is to help the situation then it missed it's mark. Outside agency's, film makers, lunch ladies can not do the job of parents. Free lunch programs? It's free! Do you expect it to be great? It's cheap free food. What to stop it? Do a better job regulating how food stamps are spent.
chris miller as good as food inc. and a good companion piece. this one talks more about the culture that has led to the obesity epidemic, though it does address some of the same issues as food inc and future of food. this has better guests overall than either of those two films including the obligatory organic farmer and Michael pollan (author of the omnivore's dilemma who has been doing the rounds lately) as well as Ralph Nader, Neil labute, teachers, and other food experts. all these documentaries are at their core the same: they present the problem and trot out many of the same guest and then provide some examples of solutions. formulaic, but this one is pretty good. B+.
EconomistOfDeath Before I write a review, I suppose I should let all the readers know that I am an athletic adult that tries to eat a proper diet. The reason why I bring this up, is because my views may be personally biased in favor of eating well.So on with the review. Killer at large starts by illuminating the issue of obesity by educating us with the history of the matter. The movie then progresses to the groups involved in the obesity issue, them being as such; the individual, the farmers/food providers, corporations and then the govt. For each groups Killer at Large does a great job with in depth analysis. The movie then is completed by showing how this issue of obesity is being counteracted.My only issues with the film was that it almost seemed like it wanted to veer off into conspiracies at times. I would have also liked to see more information based on the farmers and how corporations ARE helping to solve the obesity epidemic.Overall, I rather enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to someone interested in the obesity issue.