Kill Them and Eat Them
Kill Them and Eat Them
| 15 October 2003 (USA)
Kill Them and Eat Them Trailers

Plunge into a putrid abyss of gore-garnished gruesomeness and slime-soaked sin as the sinister Doctor Gore turns soft flesh into hideous mutant skin in a venomous vortex of violence and vileness.

Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
cody-alan-christ This video does a good job of making itself entertaining to those who love ridiculous low budget movies. It's part horror and and part spoof. It's shot with a handheld video camera, so if you aren't a fan of shaky cam, this is not for you. My biggest complaint is the audio quality. It sounds like they only had the on camera mic, so dialog from across the room is often indiscernible making the plot hard to follow at times. Even if you don't always know what's going on, it's still entertaining. There are lots of goofy one-liners and nonsensical props. They often times go out of their way to to point out how little they had to work with whether its commenting on the child's microscope set or their guns which are very obviously held together with duct tape.The soundtrack is solid and the infection animations are entertaining. For what this was and considering the budget they obviously lacked, I had a good time watching this and telling coworkers about it.
SombeeKillah Oh where do I begin? I started to watch my watch just 15mins into this grade Z thrash. I know I'm in trouble when I start to look at the time during a movie! (Ha-ha)The acting is atrocious and way beyond amateurish. The only redeeming factor for me of this so-called film, is the musical score. It's really not that bad. Way better than the film! (Ha-ha) I would not hesitate to get the CD on this one but as far as the film goes, I would "Stomp It and Burn It"! (Ha-ha)It looks like the cast had fun and all and maybe if they had a bigger budget who knows what they could have come up with. What they used though was these poor/weak Halloween masks and gloves that did not look believable at all. And the cartoonish animation of the "virus" was laughable.
mervinpike What we have here is the story of science gone spasmodic, as the demented Dr. Gore (his real name is Williams, but Gore is certainly more appropriate) carries out his experiments. Once gainfully employed by an all-powerful company known as The Company, he bailed when his experiment started raising eyebrows, and is now out to gain his mad-scientist degree on his own. Aided by an assistant even madder than he is, Gore is busy transforming homeless people into decaying "skeletoids" who will do whatever he tells them (including grocery shopping).The acting is calculatedly amateurish (the entire cast seems to have been fed a steady stream of grade-Z horror films) and the dialogue clunkier than a 1960 Dodge. But the film's also got plenty of wit; when the evil assistant explains his nefarious plans, he hits one of the best reasons for using cannibalistic zombies to do one's dirty work: "They'll conveniently eat the evidence of any wrongdoing." Gross, sure. But the whole thing's a hoot.
recall1k Typically when I begin watching a movie like this, I don't expect much. When the first scene materializes and I notice it's being filmed digitally with a handi-cam, I'm not the type of person who's going to just turn it off.However, in the case of this movie I think I may have made a terrible mistake. I usually really enjoy the C and D's of our favorite genre, but this looks like it was made by my cousin.The acting, oh my, was amazingly bad. I can't express to you enough just how bad the acting is.There is actually a part where a mutant gets his hand cut off by a thrown rock. A thrown rock people.I'd like to continue, I just don't think I can. See this one at your own risk.