Kill Them All and Come Back Alone
Kill Them All and Come Back Alone
R | 01 January 1970 (USA)
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During the American Civil War, a Confederate prisoner, Clyde McKay, attempts to steal a box of gold from a Union prison camp. He is aided by a group of prisoners and a prison guard but he is double-crossed along the way.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Leofwine_draca KILL THEM ALL AND COME BACK ALONE is a lively spaghetti western made in 1968 by famed action director Enzo G. Castellari. It's one of his earlier productions, lacking the kind of super slow motion he added to his later crime thrillers, but nonetheless a well-paced and engaging western story with plenty going on.The film is headlined by imported American star Chuck Connors, making good of his role. He's tasked with leading a group of undesirables (shades of THE DIRTY DOZEN) to get hold of a gold shipment, but as in virtually any film or genre involving gold, there's plenty of double crossing and scenes of thieves falling out.This film has near constant action to enjoy and all of it is above average. Ken Wood plays a half-Indian guy who does all kind of acrobatics and throws knives around with deadly precision. Connors is a master gunfighter and slightly amoral, which makes his character interesting. The sun-drenched locations and supporting cast add to the experience; you can feel the grime and the desperation to get rich. Castellari once again delivers the goods with aplomb.
FightingWesterner Confederate secret-agent Chuck Conners assembles a group of master thieves and cutthroats in order to steal a large shipment of Union gold. His orders are then to kill them all and come back alone with the gold, a task that isn't so easy for him to do.Typical of director Enzo G. Castellari, Kill Them All And Come Back Alone is pretty light-hearted, with tons of humorous moments and wall-to-wall action, staying true to the winning formula he's perfected over his career and across genres. (Watch the real Inglorious Bastards.)The ever smooth Chuck Conners is also in fine form here, his first of only a few spaghetti western appearances. He should have stuck around a little longer and made a few more!Helping Chuck out is a great cast of familiar European faces, including Spanish actor Leo Anchóriz, who was also quite memorable opposite George Hilton in A Bullet For Sandoval.More people should definitely check this out!
zardoz-13 Although he penned both "Any Gun Can Play" and "Payment in Blood," scenarist Tito Carpi doesn't provide any back story for either the heroes or the villains in Italian director Enzo G. Castellari's "Kill Them All and Come Back Alone," a snappy, straightforward, but shallow spaghetti western set behind enemy lines during the American Civil War that partially resembles Robert Aldrich's "The Dirty Dozen." Carpi co-wrote the screenplay with Castellari, Francesco Scardamaglia of "Johnny Hamlet," and Joaquín Romero Hernández of "Zorro the Avenger." Chuck Connors of "The Rifleman" leads a gang of amoral low-lifers in the service of the Confederate Army on a secret mission behind enemy lines to steal a fortune in Union gold. This colorful horse opera comes packed with lots of explosions, shoot-outs, and double-crosses as well as a surprise or two. Frank Wolff of "Once Upon A Time in the West" and "A Stranger in Town" co-stars as a Confederate Intelligence officer who utters the immortal line when he tells Connors the objective of the mission: "Kill them all and come back alone." This Castellari western isn't the blast that "Any Gun Can Play" and "Payment in Blood" were, and it lacks any women with speaking roles. Clyde MacKay (Chuck Connors) and his five mercenaries infiltrate a Confederate army camp. Systematically, they eliminate any opposition without actually killing anybody. Stealthily, they converge on the post headquarters and surround the impressed Southern General Hood and his Counter-Intelligence Office, Captain Lynch (Frank Wolff) who had earlier doubled the guard for just such a contingency. This opening sequence resembles a similar scene from "The Dirty Dozen" where Lee Marvin's criminal misfits proved their value by capturing Robert Ryan's U.S. Army Command post during a crucial war games exercise. Nevertheless, Captain Lynch expresses his doubts about MacKay's men: "What is it makes you think we can trust such a band of bandits, killers, and convicts." MacKay retorts: "Isn't that just what you need? Don't underestimate them." MacKay's misfits include an expert with dynamite, Deker (Leo Anchóriz of "Seven Guns for the MacGregors") who is the smartest of the bunch; Blade (Giovanni Cianfriglia, a.k.a., Ken Wood of "Superago and the Faceless Giants") a half-breed who hurl s knives like a wizard casts spells; lightning fast gunman Hoagy (Franco Citti of "The Godfather"); muscle bound Bogart (Hércules Cortés of "Spy Today, Die Tomorrow") who "is strong enough to break a man in two"; Kid (Alberto Dell'Acqua of "Son of Zorro"), will kill at the drop of a hat.This cut and dried low-budget horse opera features plenty of fast action, with a couple of surprises and revelations. Rugged Spanish location substitutes as always for the arid American southwest and the actors look like they were really perspiring in the sun. If you prefer your westerns with a lot of grit, violence, and no nonsense double-crosses, you'll get a kick out of "Kill Them All and Come Back Alone." Connors makes an effective hero.
heybhc Chuck Connors stars in KILL THEM ALL AND COME BACK ALONE!, not to be confused with GO KILL AND COME BACK by the same director. He's assigned, along with his hand-picked team, to make off with a huge sum of Yankee dollars from an impregnable fort, to thwart the Union buying weapons to defeat the south, Connors' employers. Among his team, the usual: a knife thrower, dynamite expert, the Kid, the strongman. Along for the ride is the Captain (Frank Wolff) who dreamed up the whole scheme. The expected treachery occurs and when the dust settles not too many of the characters are still around to divvy up the loot. Connors is very good in this, although he's not, as one of the prints in the poster gallery boast THE SUPREME American ACTION STAR! Most of the team is played by stuntmen like Ken Wood and Alberto Dell'Acqua and seeing them leap and tumble is part of the fun. Nicely produced, with sweeping panoramas of the Spanish countryside, and with a great score by Francesco de Masi, this one is a lot of fun. The Wild East version is widescreen and in English for the first time, and has an interview with Ken Wood that reveals many interesting facts about the Italian cinema of the 60s and 70s.
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