Kill or Be Killed
Kill or Be Killed
PG | 01 May 1980 (USA)
Kill or Be Killed Trailers

Two former ranking figures of the Axis powers (the evil General Von Rudloff and Japanese master Miyagi) schedule a deadly martial arts tournament in Von Rudloff's desert castle. They race to assemble the top competitors from around the world, with the rebellious Steve Hunt being the most sought after.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bhouse A buddy and I went to see this movie when it came out in 1980. It was playing in a huge theater and we were the only two people in the place. It lasted two days in the theater before they stopped showing it. It was so bad that we laughed all the way through it. Since that time, we rate movies based on Kill or Be Killed as the worst movie of all time. Like other reviewers have mentioned, it is so bad that it is funny. It isn't worth a second look that's for sure. I just can't bring myself to give it more than a 1 because I don't think the makers of the movie intended for it to be so bad and I can't give credit for an accident. Sorry.
ivorybyers This movie was absolutely awesome! Well, it was so ridiculous and absurd that it was actually pretty cool. Mind you that I watched this movie on a Spanish Language TV station at 2 o'clock in the morning and I don't speak any Spanish, but I really don't think that would have mattered. The action was so lame and mechanical that it was actually quite hilarious. I cannot remember the last time I laughed that hard, totally worth it to watch, I'm just mad that I missed the first 20 minutes and don't speak Spanish. Really, this flick is a Gem of the B-Movies, and the chick in it is totally hot! Check this out if you want to see one of the all-time greatest cheesy action flicks!
jake-179 This movie is as goofy as you might expect it to be. It is a cheesy martial arts fight movie, but as far as that genre goes, its actually pretty good. Don't watch this movie expecting to see any high calibre martial arts moves. Although some of the actors in the movie are actual martial artist, all the moves are based on Karate, which is not very effective on film or the real world. Unlike Kung Fu, which is not effective in the real world, but is very effective on film.The plot of the movie is not very original. Its sort of a rip off of Enter the Dragon, the Bruce Lee classic. The beautiful daughter of a scientist whose father has been kidnapped, hires Steve Chase, champion Karate Man, to rescue him. Steve decides he needs help, so goes around recruiting his old buddies to team up with him, forming a rag-tag group of interesting and eccentric tough guy characters. Then they go off to rescue the doctor from the clutches of a very unique and interestingly eccentric super villain, who runs a cult-like concentration camp where the inmates are injected with the afore mentioned doctor's mind control serum, in a plot to take over the world. What it builds up to is the Super Villain pitting Steve Chase and his buddies against his own warriors in a gladiator like contest to determine who is the ultimate warrior.But you see, there is enough weird, off the wall stuff to really keep you interested as you watch the movie. The action moves along at a good clip, with original and entertaining scenarios unfolding regularly. As an adult, I see the film as a cheese-fest, but as a kid I LOVED this movie and I would watch it over and over. The fight scenes are pretty well done, the characters are all likable and wierd (check out the super villain's punk rock girlfriend) and its all the kind of stuff a kid just totally eats up. I rated this movie a 7 out of 10, but I really did like it and I still watch it when I get a chance to catch it on tv, though it is on very rarely. You can still rent it if you look really hard.
uckuri This is the one of the most stupid movies I ever seen in my life. It is awful but martial arts scenes are pretty good. There are not so much fake like Honk Kong Kung-fu flicks. Also some real Karate people are playing in the movie like Stan schmit. Moreover, the lady who plays Olga is really beauty but she is also awful actor like main actor james ryan. They also made another one is called kill and kill again and it was little bit more better I think director and actors of the these two trashes learned or improved during one year period