Kill Keith
Kill Keith
| 11 November 2011 (USA)
Kill Keith Trailers

Keith Chegwin becomes embroiled in a murderous spree involving television presenters.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
stephen-whibley-991-146652 Being laid up with a bad back, I thought I'd while away the hours catching up on some particularly low rated Comedy films. IMDb rates this as a 3.4, the same as 'Jack and Jill' Wow, what a difference that should be! Whilst the crassness is similar between the 2 films, the unexpectedly quality of the acting here ensured that I was fully awake throughout this movie and I found it entertaining enough to try and set the record straight on IMDb. Compared to the other film in my Tramadol induced semi-coma, this should rate a 7, although extra points are awarded for not spending loads of cash and getting celebs out of their comfort zone. Excellent effort Cheggers!
Mrssmiff Thought I would give this film a go, as I love a bit of horror-comedy and am familiar with most of the British cast. Kill Keith, for me, had plenty laugh-out-loud moments and surprisingly good acting from all the cast, especially the celebrities playing themselves and I thought Keith Chegwin did a great job.My only criticism is the whole Tony Blackburn thing, not sure why the whole alter-ego thing was going on...Unfortunately for non British viewers, this might not be to everyone's taste but for those of us who will "get" the whole GMTV premise and the in-jokes, its well worth the watch.
davideo-2 STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning Danny (Marc Pickering) has got a new job at a television studio- as a lowly studio hand and tea boy, but has dreams of working his way up to the top, and getting his dream girl Dawn (Susannah Fielding). But her co presenter, the arrogant, egotistical Cliff (David Easter) wants to firmly keep him in his place, even though he's on the verge of losing his job and being replaced. His possible replacements include Joe Pesquale, Tony Blackburn...and Keith Chegwin! Meanwhile, a breakfast presenter serial killer is on the loose.Although he is indeed recognised as a household name around the country and still gets some recognition from the public, Keith Chegwin remains a public figure whose finest work I would be unable to know. Still, he is the focus of this off the wall little piece that is aiming for somewhere high but misfires somewhere quite far off the deep end.It's obvious what the makers of this were aiming for, an ironic, post modern comedy horror, with Keith 'Cheggers' Chegwin as the dastardly villain. The result, sadly, is an embarrassingly amateurish, low budget effort, that gets steadily more cack handed the more it goes on. It completely forgets the whole 'Cheggers-as-a-serial-killer' schtick and concentrates on a slushy, melodramatic 'will they, won't they' love plot between the two main characters.But this aside, the film is cheap looking, boring, unfunny, not as smart as it thinks it is and just a low budget monstrosity. *
J. Davis Well first off not being from the UK I didn't recognize most of their actual real life celebrities that were used in the film so I had a sort of outsider view to it. As usual whenever I see a comedy horror title I'm definitely watching it no matter what the subject manner is. It's a good lazy afternoon film with a few moments of great humor and of coarse with it's low budget a good helping of cheese. One thing to NOT expect is a lot of bloody violence as it delves into the romcom area for 3/4 of the way but even with that said it still manages to entertain the viewer for a good bit of the run time due to the over the top characters and the total and complete lack of seriousness. This won't be winning any awards but like I mentioned before It's not a bad way to burn 90 minutes when your schedule is empty and you're just sitting around. The main character Danny isn't a bad chap to watch bungling around & it was amusing to see his little romantic crush with the female anchor Dawn develop throughout the film. Also I didn't check the time remaining so it can't be that horrible for a viewer to sit through. I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it but at the same time I don't condemn it either so I'll give it a 6/10 what the hell,right.