| 08 December 1978 (USA)
Kidnapped Trailers

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Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
tim-smith It seems like ever such a long time ago that this series was shown in the UK - the fact that I remember it so well after such a long time speaks for itself! Very well acted, and filmed, and with a very evocative soundtrack - this production brings the story to life, and includes a lot of scene/parts of the story that are often left out of other productions.Definitely a very definitive production of the story, and definitely the very best. Along with a lot of people, I would love to own a copy - is this possible.. ?? Whoever owns the copyright - PLEASE - release it for sale - PLEASE!! It's SO good! I'm sure it would sell well and be very much worth your while....
savbard This is a great movie, with only one problem: you cannot buy a copy and it was only shown on TV in the USA once that I know of, in the early 1980's. I hope someone will get the idea to show it again, and make it available for purchase on DVD or VHS. I have never seen a better version of this movie. It really captures the spirit of Scotland at the time. I would put it up against Braveheart or any of the Lord Of The Rings movies. The music alone stirs the blood of anyone with Celtic blood, or a Celtic spirit. The fight scenes are most excellent. I hope someone who has the power to get this movie out for everyone to see it again will do so. If someone knows if there is a DVD or VHS copy out please post a message on here.
andrewsconsulting This version of Kidnapped was well acted and beautifully produced. I was pleased to find that other viewers enjoyed the production as much as I did. It has been a disappointment that it was never re-run. If I recall correctly it was broadcast in the United States by Turner Productions. It is also unfortunate that it was not released on video.
ragnarok-3 This is the most complete in story and best performance of any dramatized version of Kidnapped. It was shown on televion only once in the United States. That was back in 1981 or 82. It is a pity that it has never been shown again or released to home video.