| 02 October 2008 (USA)
Kidnap Trailers

A fortnight before her eighteenth birthday, Sonia goes missing. Her family receives a call informing them that she has been kidnapped and her estranged father, a US-based businessman, must now follow the kidnapper’s instructions to the letter if he is to entertain any hopes of seeing her alive again. Is this a mere kidnapping or is there more to it than what meets the eye?

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Wuchak RELEASED IN 2008 and directed by Sanjay Gadhvi, "Kidnap" chronicles events in India when the daughter (Minissha Lamba) of a rich tycoon (Sanjay Dutt) is kidnapped by a man driven by vengeance (Imran Khan). Vidya Malvade is on hand as the beautiful mother and ex-wife of the mogul. This was only my third Bollywood movie so maybe I'm not the best person to appraise these movies, but I find them interesting for cultural reasons and generally entertaining. The animated credits sequence is overlong and is curiously followed by a pop music video led by Minissha Lamba before the actual movie starts at the 8.5 minute mark. There are a couple of other music videos thrown in later. The language mixes Hindi with some English here and there, which is interesting (I gather this is how they actually speak over there). The story and some of the dramatics seem too contrived and sometimes too quaint. The prison break sequence, for instance, is akin to a goofy Spaghetti Western from back in the day. Nevertheless, this is a unique crime thriller in that it bends over backward to entertain, literally throwing in kinetic song & dance routines. Lamba is curvy, the aging Dutt is resolute analogous to Bruce Willis with a small spare tire and the young Khan is unrealistically formidable, but likable. There's a dynamic rooftop chase in the second half and I liked the moral of the story, which is unmistakably driven home. But the movie is overlong at close to 2.5 hours. WRITERS: Shibani Bathija and six others. GRADE: C/C-
silvan-desouza Sanjay Gadhvi after making Tere Liye got another chance with Yashraj films with the moderate success of MYKSH which was a remake of My Best Friend's Wedding, but he got success after directing Dhoom and Dhoom 2 and then he left Yashraj and made Kidnap. The film was in news as it was Imran Khan's second film after JTYJN and Sanjay's comeback film after his jail term in 2007. The film is a comedy of errors, gone all wrong. To Start with:The story s so stupid it makes you cringe. The ease at which Imran kidnaps and the cat and mouse game is very childish, The film is filled with stupidity like Imran kidnapping Minisha underwater by making her unconscious when she has hardly worn anything but reaches the place fully clothed, Also the wardrobe changes by Minisha are hard to digest, the scene that takes the cake is Minisha wants a bath so Imran our darling kidnapper takes her to a sea and there is a song There are lot more, like Sanjay conveniently getting a bike to reach a train, Also the shootout at the disco towards the climax and climax.Direction is bad Music is bad, too many songs spoil the showSanjay Dutt looks jaded and disinterested, plus his weight put on makes him look older and bored Imran Khan is hilarious, he doesn't look a kidnapper, also his accent is a put off for the role. Minisha Lamba hardly looks 16 and is okay, Vidya is a miscast as Sanju's wife and Minisha's mom, Reema Lagoo is as usual Rahul Dev has a brief role rest are okay.
sumanbarthakursmailbox If not for Minissha Lamba's ample bosom, there'd really be nothing worth watching in director Sanjay Gadhvi's Kidnap, a tired ole' thriller about bad boy Imran Khan who kidnaps Minissha, and puts her richie-rich dad Sanjay Dutt through a series of twisted challenges as revenge for an old grouse. As far as thrillers go, Kidnap is a pretty lame one, considering not once during the film's two-hours-plus running time do you feel your pulse racing. The challenges Imran puts Sanjay Dutt through are silly and juvenile, and they lack that edge-of-the-seat tension that is so essential in a film like this to keep the pace brisk. Ashamed as I am to admit it, here's one time I wished they had whacked a few good ideas from a smart Hollywood film. Instead, Gadhvi and his writer seem to have chosen to whack the plot of an obscure Pierce Brosnan-starrer "Shattered" from which they've derived the premise of Kidnap. The least you expect from a thriller are a few fantastic sequences that will make your jaw drop for their sheer inventiveness. In Kidnap, there's precisely one good scene -- it's that breathless chase sequence between Imran and Sanjay which is the film's finest stroke. Much of the film's problem lies in its sloppy narrative which is repeatedly punctured by unnecessary songs and unintentionally hilarious dialogue that digresses from the film's thriller theme. Too much time is spent establishing and then repairing Sanjay Dutt's estranged relationship with his ex-wife, played by Vidya Malavade. Vidya's character, in fact, is the weakest link in Kidnap, serving no real purpose in the plot, instead slowing down the narrative every time she shows up on screen. It doesn't help that the poor lady can't act to save her life, she can't even deliver a simple line of dialogue comfortably. The worst disease a thriller can suffer from is predictability, and Kidnap falls bang into that trap. You know exactly what's going to happen when Imran takes Minissha out to the beach when she begs to be allowed to bathe -- although you probably can't predict the erotic dance she breaks into once there. You know exactly what's going to happen when Minissha has an opportunity to escape when Imran's injured himself. And you know exactly how the climatic challenge Imran puts Sanjay up to will turn out. You see what I mean, there's virtually nothing good about this film. Which brings me back to Minissha's cleavage. If clothes were invented to cover one's body then Minissha's costumes in Kidnap reveal more than they hide. Her entire wardrobe in this film looks like it was stitched out of the bits and pieces of cloth you find lying around in a tailor's room, the bits that didn't get used when he was stitching a real dress. Not that there's anything wrong in showing a little skin, but the problem here is that you're convinced Gadhvi went the whole hog because he knew the film had nothing but Minissha's curves to keep the audience glued to their seats. Of the two male protagonists, Sanjay Dutt looks completely disinterested in what he's doing; and Imran Khan appears earnest acting out his scenes but seems to be taking his character and the film a little too seriously. The final, most deadly flaw in Kidnap is the bizarre back-story about why Imran wants revenge from Sanjay. It's not only an unconvincing motivation but it's also a fundamentally wrong plot point especially when you consider Sanjay's 'crime' against Imran seems perfectly justified given the circumstances. The film doesn't succeed in seizing your attention.Here's a film that could have been so much more but settles for such little.
Miss_Weasley_Potter A very weak beginning. Minnisha Lamba can NOT dance and neither can she look sexy. Imran Khan needs to work on his expression and STOP speaking like Hrithik Roshan. He looked good. Vidya was plain bad. Her duologue delivery was horrible, she managed to look pretty. Sanjay Dutt was the best thing. He managed to hold some expression, though even he was stiff, expressionless and frankly, bored. The songs (ALL OF THEM) were not needed. In fact, I fastforwaded a song and thank goodness I did. The story had potential: A young man, named Kabir, has kidnapped Sonia, daughter of a trillionare, Vikrant Raina. Vikrant and his wife (whose name isn't mentioned anywhere...) had a horrible divorce some 8 years ago, when Sonia was 10. Mrs. I-don't-have-a-name seemed to hate Mr. Raina a lot. Yet, in the end, she and Mr Raina got together again. Cheers! Why can't Indians let movies remain be a bit more REALISTIC!? Fast forward to when Sonia is kidnapped. Kabir leads Raina thorough a couple of stunts, all of them ending with a clue. During all this, Raina even meets his daughter once, and wow, what a scene it was! Raina: *sees gagged, tied daughter who is struggling with the ropes* How are you? Sonia: mmmmhhhhmmmm Raina: Yes, your mother misses you. She is very tense. Sonia: mmmmmmhhhmmmmm Raina: *blushes* I look good? Thanks, you do too. Sonia: Mm. Brilliant? The movie was very interesting in places. The climax was interesting, won't spoil it for you, though I strongly recommend that you wait for the DVD. The story wanted to teach something, I am not sure it will. Overall, a much better try than Dhoom 2 but could have been a LOT better. The movie seemed to lose its way sometimes and then it would insert a stupid song. Could be so much better.5/10