Kicked in the Head
Kicked in the Head
| 26 September 1997 (USA)
Kicked in the Head Trailers

Redmond is a young guy who can't find what to do with his life. When his uncle Sam gives him the bag to deliver to some uptown connection he fails to do so and it gets them in trouble with Jack, low-key criminal. After that tough guy Stretch wants Redmond to take part in his illegal beer business, but before Redmond gets involved, the business ends in a bad way. Redmond is also having affair with flight attendant Megan.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
foundsomefun If you really want to laugh out loud this is your movie. There is no waiting for lunacy to begin. It is a quick moving, never boring parody.Michael Rapaport stole the movie. If his fast talking, high energy performance didn't have you laughing he at least had you smiling. The only disappointment was that there were not more scenes with him in them. There should have been more scenes with that rival business.James Woods in comedy... who funny.The gun battles are so well done. The enthusiasm of the shooters makes their lack of aim all that more funny. Anytime you see a gun... pay attention... you won't be disappointed. None of the shooters could hit the floor if they fell...too funny.
jotix100 Matthew Harrison and Kevin Corrigan have come up a quirky movie in which there are a lot of ideas. Some of them come across and others fail, but the film is worth a look because it has good performances. The first half of the movie has excellent pacing, as it moves quickly with all that's going on.Michael Rapaport makes an excellent appearance as Stretch. This is an actor that always delivers. He is always effective in whatever he plays. Kevin Corrigan's Redmond shows enough confusion as he moves through the different situations. It's not his best role, but having an interest in the film, since he co-wrote the screen play, might have had a toll on him. Linda Fiorentino, Lily Taylor, James Woods and Burt Young make great contributions in an assortment of New York characters.One of the funniest scenes is at the beginning of the movie when Uncle Sam steals the car and tries to get rid of the dog he finds inside. The shooting scenes are amazing because no one is shot, even at close range. Don't ever show this film to Quentin Tarantino, as he will probably have a panic attack!
profelmore Despite a great soundtrack and the presence of the ever amazing Rappaport and Woods, this is another one of those moronic comedies where New York throws itself at the hero in an effort by the writer and/or director to show what a zany place it is. Yeah there's some other stuff in the movie that sucks too, but that's what's important. The trend for New York independent filmmakers seems to be "I don't need to be talented, I have NEW YORK!" Okay, to be fair, the movie has its moments. The flashback bit about why the one guy is called Wacky Jack was pretty amusing. The script isn't a story or a plot, it's a bunch of not-good scenes tied to each other by featuring the same character.One of the worst things is that there's no motive behind what the characters do. Uncle Sam has the kid deliver the drugs, why? If its so important why didn't Sam do it himself? Then the lead character lies his ass off in scene after scene with absolutely nothing to gain from lying. The guy falls in love with a flight attendant with neither of them having any reason to fall in love. The characters are a bunch of pawns for the writer to move around to see if he can get anything zany to happen.If you're easily amused or like watching bad indie movies because they make you feel smarter than watching bad mainstream movies, watch this. If you want to see what a GOOD light hearted crime movie looks like, watch Takeshi Kitano's "Brother". "Kicked In The Head" is the perfect example of why so many people hate offbeat indie movies: A LOT OF THEM SUCK. And a note to the director: Don't be afraid to excite, amuse, enlighten or entertain the audience now and then. Being boring doesn't make you a better filmmaker than the ones who can interest me.
Chewie-25 Kicked in the Head rocked, it was hilarious and Matthew Harrison was excellent in the movie. He is going to be a big star one day, he's such a great actor. The movie kicked butt, and I would recommend it to anyone.