| 01 January 0001 (USA)
Kickassia Trailers

The Nostalgia Critic's team try to take over the one-acre nation of Molossia and turn it into Kickassia.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
aydanwoodward I thought this film wouldn't be too great. But when I saw it, I actually thought it was INCREDIBLE! I love films about made up countries, and this is set in a REAL LIFE micro nation! I thought the comedy was very funny and it made me laugh a lot, and the rest of my friends were crying of laughter in many scenes of this film.However, it does have a couple of issues. Some of them being a few predictable jokes, an unsatisfying ending and many plot holes and story inconsistencies, but that last thing is one of the things that makes it funny.The Nostalgia Critic was fantastic in it, Cinema Snob, the late JewWario and several other actors all perform excellently in the film. But some characters were a bit over the top, but nothing too big to worry about.
Coolerjohn23 Only one word describes this and that word is garbage. I don't have a lot to save since others here have already said it so this will be brief. If people like this are not actors at all they should not act in something that clearly they have no talent for. One question I have is why film brains character was changed at all. I mean in his reviews he is always serious and barley makes any jokes yet here he is a spa-zing annoying kid here. If someone who is not an insane tgwtg can explain please let me know. in truth this is not worth watching especially on DVD since youtube already has it all for free. Thank you for your time and hopefully you know a better movie to watch on a Friday night.
sugarplum27 People are being far too harsh on this film! It is meant to be one big joke. Kickassia is movie written out of clichés that are present in the movies, shows and video games the people of TGWTG review.Costumes that are worse than the ones found at Spencer's, obviously simple solutions ignored in favor of more complicated plans, women who are competent suddenly turning into damsels in distress, these things are all in the movie. You think its a coincidence that these also happen to be things that The Critic rants about? They made a movie they would rip apart in their reviews, that's the joke! I saw it as basically one big wink to the fans.If you're looking for something that is Oscar worthy then maybe you shouldn't be looking for it in an online movie made to be silly!
drosenblum-565-795887 David D Eval is correct. I didn't really like it, but a lot of people did. It is a film that fans of TGWTG and is worth seeing ONCE. It definitely had many good moments, but majority of the jokes fell short. After you watch it, remember the parts that made you laugh, and you will remember the film more fondly. Angry Joe was the best character by far. Nearly every thing he did landed. The concept is funny, but it really just falls flat of its true potential. If you are a fan, then watch it. If you are not, you will truly hate it. Think of it as a Pilgrimage. Personally, I do hope they have a sequel, but make sure it is done better. Angry Joe should be the main star.