Ki & Ka
Ki & Ka
| 01 April 2016 (USA)
Ki & Ka Trailers

An unconventional woman, gains immense success in her professional life but things take a turn when she meets a guy, who wants to be a house husband.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Akshay Kumar (akshay-ak-kumar) Ki and Ka has one hell of an interesting premise.Kareena Kapoor aka Kia doesn't want to get married and have kids as that will ruin her career while Arjun Kapoor aka Kabir is very happy to play the house husband with no ambitions inspite being from a wealthy family and B School topper. They get married but how long will this last?The 1st half of the movie is fun filled. The way Kabir and Kia meet. Kabir is not the usual Hindi hero; he cries and tells Kia that housewife is an artist. How Kabir convinces her to marry him? How Kabir takes over running the house and becomes a favorite of all the ladies in the apartment. Frankly, the 1st half is simply awesome. Its when the 2nd half starts that the cracks arise in the marriage and that when the movie starts to sink. The problem in 2nd half is that Balki and his co writer Virmani have no clue how to take the movie forward. So there is a stupid scene of Kia worried that she is pregnant and takes multiple pregnancy tests.And, finally to ensure that there is a dramatic end they turn the film into a very old Amitabh Bachchan classic called Abhimaan. The only difference is here Kia gets jealous of Kabir's success. There is also one stupid mandatory fight scene to show that Kabir is still a man. Seriously !!Very ironically, when the movie loses steam, Balki takes help of Jaya and Amitabh Bachchan who stared in Abhimaan and comes with a nice interesting piece between them. Both the actors steal the show in the 10 mins they have but those 10 mins also makes the viewer think about marriage and roles a husband and wife play.Which also brings me to the question of what Balki was thinking while writing the movie? The problem with Ki and Ka is that Balki takes the story very seriously. If he wrote the 2nd half as the 1st which is fun filled and less preachy, this film would have been a cracker.The film is also watchable because of its leads. Kareena Kapoor proves to us what a fabulous and talented actress she is. The fact that she ends up signing blockbusters with minuscule roles is the sad part of her career. I hope she concentrates more on the roles she signs because she is still capable of giving Deepika and Kangana a run for their money.Arjun Kapoor also does a commendable job and is at ease playing the house husband who never looses his cool. I don't believe any other actor who have risked is career but Arjun takes it and shines.And, finally both the Kapoors share one hell of a chemistry on screen which also lights up the movie.However, I believe Ki and Ka could have been a landmark film for Hindi Cinema had Balki got the idea correct. He misses the plot and for me its an opportunity lost.
Arslan Shahid I don't know why its rating is only 5.8 where it deserves at least 8.0. I think the people to rate this movie are stereotype people who just do what society tells them to do and could not digest a new and different view to our society. This movie is just awesome. Touching so many point on so many levels. Its against stereotype society, gender inequality and the ego of who earns or runs the house expenses. After watching this movie at least a sensible person will start respecting his mother, sister and wife. Coming to the movie Kareena kapoor is amazing as always. Arjun kapoor supported her equally in acting and in many places he stood alone with superb performance. The script was very well written and direction was outstanding. Music was just good. Overall this movie is a must watch. Go to cinema with an open mind and take your females of your family in perspective and you will love this movie. i give this movie an *8/10
vinodemails R Balki has already brought us some memorable light hearted dramas including Cheeni Kum and Paa. Sticking to his strength, he brings to us, Ki & Ka, another breezy script, but based on 1 statement, 'What if a guy grows up wanting to be like his mom?'An interesting topic where gender stereotypes are reversed. For a country slowly grappling with the idea of financially independent women, women entrepreneurs, single mothers and husbands who work from home, it's another concept, which is fun to watch on screen, but awkward and embarrassing to live with. Balki casts Arjun n Kareena, who seem like an odd pairing, but grow on us through the movie as a pair of buddies (not as a couple). The movie follows the basic pattern, but this time girl (Ki) meets guy (Ka), gets impressed, falls in love, takes him home to her mom for approval. The director makes enough efforts to establish the backgrounds of both the protagonists to convince the audience about their decision to get married. There are many well presented situations where Ka serves his first breakfast, catches the maid in action, cleans up a broken glass during a house party, feels left out during a foreign tour. What the film succeeds in, is to showcase the situations that each gender usually faces, helping the audience appreciate each other's troubles. Also, there are 2 advice statements, one from Ki's mom and another from Jaya Bachchan (yup, as herself) which make a lot of sense. There are a few flaws though.As mentioned earlier, the script is a blown out version of an idea. Although many great movies start from a statement only, this one seems like a stretched idea, falling into the trap of repeating itself. Gender reversals bring out the chuckles, but it's continuous bombarding leaves you wondering whether such actions are plausible. Also the lack of flow in the script, it feels like a set of planned scenes, prevents it from being great. Ka keeps on iterating that he's also a typical guy by drinking a lot of whiskey and becoming Dharmendar to funnily beat up a couple of teasing goons. Also, an IIM topper keeping cash safe in a fridge and preparing house budget on a piece of paper is stretching it a bit too far.Performance wise, Arjun has to be complimented for taking up the role and keeping a straight face while performing the awkward scenes. However, he lacks much in energy and charm to take the role up a notch. Maybe the Whiskey was a little too much. Kareena as 'Ki', looks great, doesn't let her real life marital status affect her performance in any manner and is the natural actor of the lot. In a film, where the limelight is mostly on Ka, she holds her own and wins it with an outburst on our irresponsible house husband. The best performances were by Swaroop Sampat as the modern, but insightful mom of Ki, who gets great dialogues and also Mr. Amitabh Bachchan who brings out the most laughter without even mouthing a dialogue.I'd recommend watching the movie with your life partner, if for nothing but to appreciate each other's efforts in sustaining the family.
Movie Mechanic Ki & Ka tells the base story in the trailer itself. Hence there's no surprise in that. But there are lot of surprises which will turn our guesses wrong.Writing & Direction: Balki scores in both. He had carefully analyzed what viewer will guess after watching the trailer and had taken the story opposite to that. Direction he scores because he had made Arjun Kapoor act in this flick.Balki has explored the areas of the "Egoism of Women" and the "adjusting nature of Men" very well.Yet, the climax is bit rushed up and not that touching which is a minus. (1 star removed)Screenplay: Screenplay is fluctuating. There are many moments which are fresh hook us to the movie. At the same time, some are either dull or clichéd.Cast: Kareena and Arjun both play a good match, despite their age difference. Kareena looks a bit old in some close ups. But the make-up is to be blamed. Supporting actors play their part well and add a plus. Amithab Bacchan and Jaya Bacchan's cameos adds good laugh.Music: Songs by various artists make every number a well cooked one. "High Heels", "Foolishq", "Most Wanted Munda" tops the list though. BGM by Ilayaraja adds soul to the film.Art: This needs a special mention. The interiors of their apartment in the movie looks both cool & stunning. Be it the kitchen, bedroom or living room it's so cool.What could have been done better? (Possible Spoilers) (one more star removed) 1. Though Balki had analyzed the thinking of the viewer and has taken the story in a different way, there were no major twists. Anything happens gets solved immediately which looks filmy. English Vinglish was more realistic.2. Some scenes were so filmy. Unwanted action scene in a bus. Charging like 500/person for a fitness session. Working extra to buy a home and quiting it later just because getting promoted.3. Second half of the movie is so rushed up and not balanced.4. Intermission. Though it's at a different point in the story (rather than what an average audience would have expected... could have been better).5. Not much was focused on the feelings and depth of the characters like Balki did in English Vinglish which had more or less the same runtime.On the whole this is a movie not to be missed, though could have been done better!