Karol: A Man Who Became Pope
Karol: A Man Who Became Pope
| 15 August 2005 (USA)
Karol: A Man Who Became Pope Trailers

The life of the pope John-Paul II, from his youth as a writer, actor, and athlete in war-torn occupied Poland to his election as Pope at the age of 58.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
ma-cortes The film concerns about the majestic figure , the Polish Pope Karol Wojtyla (Piotr Adamczyk ) brought to the life at much expense and with sense and thought since his youth in Poland , the early years , until his appointment as Pope of the Catholic church in Rome (1978). The movie starts on October 12 , 1939 when the evil men Nazis get taken the world , Nazis have invaded Poland , they've destroyed the Polish air forcé , 500 plane pulverised before they could take off , bombed cities , radio station , Churchs... Meanwhile Karol looks after his father but he wants to join the Army . They flee but the Russians have invaded the border . Hitler and Stalin made a pact , the Red army has betrayed to Poland and now they don't take prisoners . Hitler appointed Hans Frank (excellently played by Matt Craven) chief civilian officer for occupied Polish territory and then Governor-General of occupied Poland . Hans Frank described his policy in this post : ¨Poland shall be treated like a colony : the Poles will become the slaves of the Greater German Empire¨ . He destroyed Poland as a national entity and exploited its human and material resources for the German war effort . Frank ran Poland in imitation of the Nazi state . He ordered the killing of Polish Intelligence (represented by the professor played by Kenneth Welsh) and Military officials in an attack of destruction and hatred against the Polish universities and the Catholic Church . Frank warned that Jews and Poles could be sentenced to death for any act of force against the German or for damage to a public installation , he confiscated Jewish and Polish property , he expropriated valuable paintings for his own house and he allowed huge quantities of food to be smuggled from Poland to Germany . At a time when most Europe was hungry , Frank set an elaborate table at the Governor's palace in Cracow (as happens in the film when is invited the priest well played by Raoul Bova) . By December 1942 more than 95 percent of the Jews in Poland had been transported to extermination camps . The future Pope must confront these adversities and misfortunes , he suffers cruel experiences but the God's faith and the love is the cure for the badness . Then he assisted the holiness call and goes into the seminar and as priest he serves his first mass . After that , he's appointed bishop and Cardinal and continuing consoling the mankind , renovating the moral sense and thoughts ,giving hope and fighting for human rights . Later on , he was elected Pope , the first no Italian from 1523.The film captures splendidly the goodness and generosity of the immortal Pope well played by Piotr Adamczyk . When John Paul II returned to Poland for the first time after his election seven year old Adamczyk was in the crowd . It's followed by a sequel (2006) by similar actors and director , dealt with his fruitful pontiff (1978-2005) and the pastoral journeys he made to America , Mexico and many other countries , making an intense diplomatic labour and problems that were taking place in the Catholic church , including the 1981 attack by Ali Agca . The motion picture was magnificently played by an excellent plethora of actors . Special mention to touching , evocative musical score by the classic Ennio Morricone . The picture was finely directed by Giacomo Battiato , a specialist on accurate biopic , as he directed autobiography stories about Giovane Casanova , Benvenuto Cellini and Stradivari.
partypete007 This film is truly inspirational. Karol's philosophy of resisting Nazi and Soviet tyranny in Poland through loving is the most powerful and revolutionary idea I have heard. Maintaining Polish culture through theatre and responding with love and gratitude in all circumstances. This is an incredibly powerful form of resistance. This film is well produced. This film is in the same genre as "Gandhi"(1982) which similarly was inspiring as it showed the power of non-violent protest and resistance. In our time this message that the pen is mightier than the sword and that we must fight for and with Love and goodness provides hope and a way forward in this world of war, poverty, and deep anxiety and fear. However Karol seems to have something to add to Gandhi's example of non-violent resistance. He has a basis for building society and positively working for the progressive good of Mankind. That we may fulfil our potential in dignity and love in our Cultures and identities.I hope this film and it's sequel will be better known in the future, and get the exposure that their excellence deserves!!!
markheithaus07 WOW!! Um.... I can't say it any better than that. If possible, I would have given it a 20 out of eleven because it was that well done. No extreme graphics or technological advances or anything like that, just incredible accuracy and acting. I would rate it up among the movies such as Lord of the Rings I, II, and III, Chronicles of Narnia, and other such epics. Though it is not about a warrior, it is about Karol Woytowich, who had the heart of a warrior and the restraint and love of Christ. Like with the movies I ranked it with, you feel the passion of the main character and those around him. In a day of digital effects making or breaking a movie, it was great to see a movie that didn't need them. There is a clear message displayed not through merely words, but through action of the characters as you watch their experiences unfold. You are able to unlock the mysteries of the deep, profound, and personal faith of Karol as you watch this movie, understanding what made him so great. I would recommend it for all.
miamishooves I will buy this movie for my collection. Excellent special effects. Movie portrayals of all characters in this historic recounting of the life of the future Pope. No heroics, just a straight forward telling of an amazing story. A joint production, it is basic, and raw, without the polish of Hollywood. I was moved by this story. Some of the child actors were a bit "overdone" but the main characters played their roles well, and honestly. They involvement of the Polish and Italian filmmakers has ensured that this movie remained accurate, but not maudlin. Seeing this story makes me realize what a truly great man John Paul was.