| 28 April 2011 (USA)
Kapyong Trailers

On April 24, 1951, following a rout of the South Korean army, the Chinese People Volunteer Army pursued their enemy to the lines of Australian and Canadian troops still digging fall-back defences, 39 kilometres to the rear. Here, sometimes at the length of a bayonet, often in total darkness, individual was pitted against individual in a struggle between a superpower and a cluster of other nations from across the world. They fought for a valley, the ancient and traditional invasion route to Seoul. If it fell the southern capital and the war, was lost. The United Nations troops had the military advantage of the high ground and artillery support: the Chinese relied entirely on vastly superior numbers. As a result, young men from both sides found a battle which was very close and very personal. The Battle of Kapyong became the turning point of China's Fifth Offensive in that Korea spring... Written by John Lewis

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
davidfurlotte Firstly, thank you for someone finally producing a movie about what could arguably be called one of the most valiant military efforts of the 20th century.It has always amazed me that the Commonwealth always downplays our part in any military actions so much that our own citizens have no idea that our soldiers even took part in some of the wars.America is proud of their military past and it shows with the abundance of movies they make about their military victories and even their defeats. I am sure that if the battle of Kapyong had involved two U.S. brigades instead of a Canadian and Australian one, there would be at least 10 movies produced extolling the magnificent victory.This movie tells the story not only through the use of re-enactments but also with people who were there talking about their part and the part of men they knew who participated in the battle.How the producers managed to create such a moving piece with the minuscule budget they had astounds me and I only wish that they had been able to have had the budget of some Hollywood style movies to work with because then we would have surely seen something that would have landed in major theatres around the globe.Although the piece is done in a documentary style, it has some very moving scenes that bring the viewer right into the action. Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians and anyone interested in the Korean war should see this movie if for no other reason than to learn about the valiant actions of our forces during that "forgotten" war.