| 14 January 1999 (USA)
Justice Trailers

A lawyer and her partner run from the Colombian Mafia and the corrupt U.S. marshals and attorneys assigned to protect them.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
harrymccormack1981 When I was out DVD shopping, I found this film advertised on its cover as a James Belushi mole-in-prison movie (undercover cop looking to break a crime boss) and with the likes of HenrySilva, JoBeth Williams and Charles Durning, I was expecting a fairly decent film despite only paying £1 for it.This however was one of those marketing con-jobs trying to promote a fairly awful TV movie which starred Tracey Needham (who looks a bit like Maggie Grace of the TV series Lost)as a prosecutor being hunted down by the Colombian mafia for sending down their boss.James Belushi's role is nothing more than a cameo.The film rushes in at 100 mph with the "prison" part over in a matter of 4 minutes and it can't make its mind up whether its a TV pilot, a violent b-movie or a very bad black comedy. Ironically the film tends to drag at the end which is tedious at best.I've never seen so many good actors wasted like this especially with James Belushi given little to do. The plot is ridiculous and the ending pathetic.The movie is a bomb and I can only assume that the aforementioned actors were stuck for work when this came along.Avoid if you can.
ozzyboro My God what a terrible insult to the film world. The fact that I was very ill, sick off work and nothing else to watch but daytime television made it seem worse. My girlfriend bought this film, along with 3 others on one DVD for £2, so what did she expect for 50 pence a film.I hate rape scenes in a film so watching this just made me feel sicker than I allready did. So this lawyer puts this thug behind bars and he takes it personal and seeks revenge. James Belushi attracted me to it, one of the other films on this DVD was Red Surf also staring George Clooney, but both these films use the big names to attract an audience and falsley lead them down a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it. At least Red Surf starred George Clooney, Belushi made a brief cameo role in this film and was given star credit. The scene where he falls in love with her and blah blah blah, is daft, it spoils a crap movie, if that's possible, the lead women is hot though.
pooh-24 Routine tv movie drama starring some actors who have done bigger and better things but seemed to be in this movie just for the paycheck.The movie "stars" James Belushi,JoBeth Williams,Charles Durning,and Tracey Needham in a plot that is totally unbelievable,filled with poor writing,and bad acting.Belushi,himself,is hardly in the film.It is true Tracey Needham looks great in the film,and one of the reasons for her healthy look is that she was pregnant while doing this movie.It is then hard to believe that a female DA in high heels(Needham) and an elderly heavyset cop(Durning) are working together and staying ahead and outsmarting the drug cartel that wants Needham's character killed.The real name of the film is Backlash.Horrendous is more like it.
SILVERBEUWULF This is really bad!Even for a tv movie,why is James Belushi getting star billing and on the front cover?He is in the film for like about 7 minutes total and on the front cover he is in a prison,he is actually in a prison for about 1 minute of the film.This is a blatant marketing scam to get people watching it because of James Belushi in it.The film itself is awfull even though I paid £5 for it.The one good thing about it is the leading lady who is very attractive,AVOID.