Just Another Day
Just Another Day
| 24 September 2009 (USA)
Just Another Day Trailers

Follows a day in the life of two men living at either end of the music game. A successful rapper, A-Maze, is dealing with the pitfalls and trappings of his success and facing new challenges in the music business to get a check while the other, Young Eastie, is a young man struggling in a harsh world that is threatening to destroy him.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
trackzondemand I've watched this movie several times and can't get tired of it. I could relate to some of the characters in the movie. I thought that this movie hit the nail right on the head. This movie encompassed a realistic glimpse of what types of things go on in the industry. It didn't focus on just the money and success of an artist. It showed the dark side of being a hip-hop celebrity in this day and time. The music in the film was great at inspiring the scenes and vice versa. It was well written and well directed. Shout out to all the actors and actresses as they definitely brought this film to life. If you are a fan of hip-hop then you would definitely enjoy watching this movie!
Eric Antonowicz This movie is good. Do not be fooled by the fact that it went strait to DVD, this is a very entertaining film. Both of the two main characters are interesting and it is a joy to see the actors in these roles. One really gets a sense of authenticity when watching their performances. This is a movie about rappers and the streets, and it truly captures that vibe. From the gritty style of the camera work to the dirty streets it is shot on, the film makers nail the feel of life in the rap game.There is a subplot about a Haitian drug war that is a little difficult to follow, but that does not detract from the main plot or enjoyment of the movie what so ever. This movie is shot fast and lose with lots of camera shaking a movement. Normally I detest this style of film making but here it seem appropriate for the subject matter and the film is indeed better for it. The only other movie that i can think of that used this technique successfully was The Hurt Locker. I recommend this movie highly. If you are looking for a way to gangst'a up an evening, you can't go wrong with Just Another Day.
heredia-kr I enjoyed this movie because it did not have a fairy tale ending. I am not going to spoil it, but unlike most movies, this one was very realistic. Thankfully there is a movie that delves into the deeper issues of the fame and glory of the Hip Hop lifestyle. What I found most compelling were the actors, each and everyone seemed authentic and in their own element. I really believed that these actors were rappers -not to mention their music was pretty good in the film. Overall, I thought the movie was good. It kept my attention the whole time, and the stakes were pretty high. When I though I knew what was going to happen next, I was wrong -which I appreciate. This isn't your normal "rags to riches" hip hop story like "Get Rich" or "8 Mile" this is a better look at the sacrifices and pressures of becoming and staying famous in Hip Hop.
pattonfever There is only one good thing about this dumb movie. Avon and Marlo. Kids nor The Player should ever be mentioned in the same breath as this film, and there is a big reason why this went straight to video. It's plain bad.I had no idea what this film was, but I decided to see it because Wood Harris was on the cover. When I saw Marlo Stanfield during the title credits, I became very excited. To have both of these guys in the same film was an opportunity for greatness. To bad a fraud of a director and a weak script failed them both. What a shame.We all know these two actors are very good. Both should have Emmys, but were snubbed. In this film though, both seem like amatures, but this is due to the weak director. I really hope these two can be paired again for something good. For now I'll just watch the greatest show (even better than almost any film) ever made for the eighth time. The Wire.