| 01 January 1995 (USA)
Jungleground Trailers

Police Lt. Jake Cornell is working undercover in the so-called Jungleground. His sting operation goes bad and as a result he is caught. Young Odin, his captor and would be drug lord decide to play a game with Jake. Jake is given until morning to make it out of the Jungleground alive. Odin and his men however are hunting Jake; and Odin also has a little insurance, he's kidnapped Jake's soon to be fiance.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
zetes This DTV flick is an amusing if generic crime/action movie. It reminds me of the kind of crap I used to watch on late night HBO or Cinemax. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper stars as an undercover cop who works in "Jungleground," an area of the city that is so crime-ridden no cop or normal human being would dare enter it after dark. At night, it's run by a gang known as the Ragnorockers, who, of course, are led by a guy named Odin (JR Bourne). There are also gangsters named Thor and Loki, and also a teenage boy on rollerblades called Gameshow, who spouts game show catch phrases before he opens fire. Being a 90s action movie, expect a lot of uzis and explosions. Piper is captured by the Rockers but escapes. They also have his girlfriend (Torri Higginson), so he has to search for her with the help of a young prostitute (the absolutely adorable Rachel Wilson). The production and costume design are quite good. I loved the look of the Rockers.
XxCoRyxX For what it was,this film wasnt too bad at all.If you keep in mind the budget and such,and dont have a problem with B-Movies,and dont laugh at every flaw,like most majority does,then your gonna enjoy this.If you enjoy straight to video low budget action flicks,this is recommended.Piper does very good in this,and the fight scenes are definetly par above the horrible "Marked Man",the film piper did prior to this one.Not quite as good as "Tough And Deadly" or "Back In Action",but definetly one of pipers better performances in the action genre.
DAVE Roddy Piper does good action scenes and bone crunching maneuvers, but not all his films turn out that great. But this one is fun and exciting. It isnt however up there with They Live, but Jungleground is a good way to kill time watching an action flick.
filmbuff-36 Roddy Piper tries too hard in this one note action piece. Basically a rip off of every other run for your life through a futuristic wasteland. Watch Escape from New York, The Ultimate Warrior, or the Road Warrior instead.