Journey to the Center of Time
Journey to the Center of Time
NR | 31 May 1967 (USA)
Journey to the Center of Time Trailers

Scientists must prove their time travel experiments can produce results, so their funding won't be cut off. They push their equipment, and travel 5000 years into the future, where they encounter aliens who are looking for a planet to colonize.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
arthur_tafero It's not easy to get into the top ten film list of any genre, but this film achieved it with relative (as in time relativity) ease. Unfortunately, it is among the worst ten sci-films ever made. A waste of color film, but great for unintentional laughs. The film could have been made ten years earlier in black and white, and no one would have been able to tell the difference in quality. Although Scott would hopefully not have been as fat (someone should have told him fat men do not look good in white clothes).The plot is interesting, but completely unexecuted. The most exciting scenes are the countdowns; all of which fizzle. After a boring introduction, a completely superfluous love scene, and a succession of silly, contrived, stock footage, the film only gets worse. True, there were no professional actors in the film (at least not above the C level community theatre level), but that is no excuse for this claustrophobic (90% of the film is shot in one room) piece of tedium. After ten minutes, I knew this film would be exquisite torture, but I watched anyway, and was rewarded with several hardy laughs. The creators of this film obviously loved The Time Machine, but produced something that was less than 10% of that classic. I guess this movie is living proof that I will watch anything.
Poseidon-3 One of countless low-budget sci-fi films to come out of the 50's and 60's, this one collects a few mid-level stars who had apparently fallen on hard times and pits them against some very poor sets and special effects. Sofaer (who has the distinction of receiving "Special Guest Star" status in the billing) is scientist who, along with his comrades Eisley and Perreau, is attempting to master the art of time travel. When the blow-hard new owner of the research company (Brady) informs Sofaer that his experiments are going to be cancelled unless some results are forthcoming, the team gives the project one last go. This results in them careening through time, hopping back and forth from the future to the distant past and back again. One trip puts them in the company of alien Waggoner who introduces the team to his leader, a silver-faced lady in a plastic hat played by Gamin (billed in the credits as "Introducing", though she was done and gone from the biz within a year. Another trip has them besieged by a prehistoric creature (basically, a lizard.) Brady, looking startlingly bloated and rotund, gives his role a lot of aggression and pigheadedness, but emerges looking rather foolish. Eisley pretty much walks through his part, though there certainly isn't much to work with. Perreau, sporting a large bouffant, is equally bland. Sofaer resembles Henry Kissinger in some ways and, though he isn't very good, provides a modicum of acting talent to the movie. Davis and Olsen play two technicians who work in the present day to return the team to their correct time. Davis is handsome and not too hard to take, but Olsen grows tiresome quickly with her various exclamations and her endless fiddling with the controls (as a completely worthless and unintentionally hilarious collection of female technicians piddle around in the background.) Irwin Allen's TV show "The Time Tunnel" (from which this film draws some degree of inspiration, to use the word loosely) also gave Lee Meriwether and others this same type of tedious, repetitive role. It's a safe bet that Waggoner conveniently leaves this film off his resume, though he isn't in it long enough for it to matter much. The entire production looks cheap and dull. During the time travel sequences, the camera rotates inside a model of the lab with little DOLLS of the lead characters spinning around and holding on for dear life! This is worth one good chuckle alone. It isn't a harmful film. It's just a fairly pointless and useless one.
classicsoncall It's hard to believe that movies as bad as this were being made as late as 1967. It's about as technologically advanced as any "B" grade film from the '40's, but done in color. However the garish orange of the lab setting and time capsule is so bright it will make you grab for a pair of sunglasses. So much for the high points."Journey to the Center of Time" would be an embarrassment for a fledgling film student, that it was made at all with real money is to be questioned as much as the film's star Scott Brady questions his company's funding of research in the science of time travel. For two years, Doc Gordon (Abraham Sofaer), Mark Manning (Anthony Eisley) and Karen White (Gigi Perreau) have only managed to navigate twenty four hours into the past. That's all about to change, as the trio, along with owner Stanton (Brady) kick start their time travel gizmo five thousand years into the future for a rendezvous with aspiring screen star Poupee Gamin, surely you recognize her name. One of her futuristic aides is Lyle Waggoner, who fortunately managed to survive this mess to earn a spot on the Carol Burnett Show and later, "Wonder Woman".The time lab can best be compared to a time travel boomerang; from the future the gang whips back to one million years B.C. to pick a nice round number, where the greedy Stanton grabs a jewel and takes off in the lab once again, stranding Manning and White in the past. In a series of frenetic flashbacks and flash forwards, the entire movie is relived for those of you who dozed off the first time.Getting beyond the embarrassment, you can have a fun time with this one as long as it's with a bunch of friends and the right mix of refreshments. The film can be enjoyed on many levels; I know because it made as much sense played in reverse as it did played forward.
junk-monkey In the future all doors slide - this is a given fact of all SF movies from the days of Flash Gordon (possibly before that, it's a while since I've seen Metroplis) but this piece of junk goes one better than having the standard elevator sliding doors... the door of the "Time Vault" opens vertically as well as horizontally! it's the grooviest SF movie door since the The Monster from Morbius' Id came through the 'Krell metal' door in Forbidden Planet. I wonder where they stole it - because more time, effort, and invention went into making that door than into the whole of the rest of the movie put together and believe me it's the only reason to watch this really stupendously awful film.Having said all that I am giving it a 9 because it deserves more recognition as a classic bad SF film. It is up there with the Ed Woods. If you are in the mood for a masochistic do-it-yourself trepanning /lobotomy type movie then this is the one for you. It's great. I have drool coming from the corners of my mouth. Why do I do this to myself?