Journal of a Contract Killer
Journal of a Contract Killer
| 01 March 2008 (USA)
Journal of a Contract Killer Trailers

Stephanie Komack was a high-class hooker and assassin for the Italian Mob. Now working in London as a waitress, and a single mother to her seven year old daughter, the Mob track Stephanie down and persuade her to do one last job. The hit goes wrong and Stephanie soon realises the stark reality of her failure. They snatch her daughter as punishment, but didn't figure on Stephanie's capacity for revenge! Inspired by true events, JOURNAL OF A CONTRACT KILLER is the gripping story of a woman driven to turn on her paymasters with devastating consequences.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
fredericmartin Just a quick review as I still feel this film is a bit overrated. I am a huge fan of independent films, strange films, not-as-the-others films or whatever... and usually enjoy even average killer-related films.I did not expect much... but this film did not reach this very average level. I saw many better low budget direct-to-TV-or-DVD films than this one.Dialogs quality is going worse and worse through the film... of course there is no real action but that's not even the problem... characters are empty. We totally don't care about the sad-mother side of the killer... and the four last scenes of the film are so bad it reminds me parodies.a REAL waste of time I hope you can avoid (that's why I am making my first review on IMDb).
yeomanflood So I'm a huge watcher of movies. I've probably been going at a run rate of over 300 movies per year for the last several years. I enjoy assassin movies - who doesn't? I had relatively low expectations for this movie given the poor ratings here on IMDb. In general, I find that about 80% of the time I'm directionally aligned with IMDb scores, so I use them as a proxy for what I choose to watch, but sometimes the scores are just totally opposite of what my opinion is and I'm compelled to write a review. I haven't even written that many reviews and I only seem to be motivated enough to write them when I totally disagree with scores. Anyway, JOACK was much better than expected. The acting overall was done well. And while there were certainly aspects of the storyline that could have been better developed (such as the mother-daughter relationship), the overall storyline was quite good. Even if the acting seemed a little too flat sometimes, even for a cold-hearted killer-type movie, the dialogue and timing of the actors was done well, for the most part. I also liked the slight twists and turns of the story over all. In summary, I thought the movie, especially compared to how many bad movies are cranked out every year by Hollywood, was good and worth watching. I score it a solid 8, but give it a 9 here to try to offset the bad score average it has right now.
Greywolf907 ...Like the previous poster, I am at a loss why this film has such a low rating.Taut, well directed story telling of the highest order, featuring pretty well unknown and large thats what we have here...actors...not 'stars' I would rather watch this a million times than have to watch some drippy Hollywood movie full of teens and explosions.Highly recommended to anyone who likes their films British and well acted.It's a new take on organised crime, and keeps enough of the kitchen sink (literally) element that marks all great British cinema, well worth a watch.
felipe77339 From the comments that I see on this board,it seems that some people have a problem with anything that is not the "usual" Hollywood fare. This movie kept me on my seat for the duration of it.I could name a few "big budget" movies where after a 20 minutes I felt like getting up and having a beer. "Journal of a contract killer" is quite remarkable,meaning that with a very good story,some unknown actors and the right director you can create something to remember.That's quite an achievement nowadays where just the marketing budget of some truly horrible movies (that you watch once and never again),mostly coming from,where else,the USA,is more than the budget for this movie.Well,enough said,I will recommend this movie to all my friends.