Joker Rising
Joker Rising
| 21 September 2013 (USA)
Joker Rising Trailers

The dark and gritty story of where the Joker came from and how he became the villain that he is today.

MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
mediauwant When I came upon this film on Youtube, I played it with the intent of using it as background noise while I worked on some home projects. It didn't take long before I set my projects aside to give the film my full attention.What you have in Joker Rising is a production created with sheer talent and imagination. On a shoe string budget of $3000, this film lacked the over the top special effects and over paid actors of the Hollywood Batman films. However, what it did have was solid performances from actors who deserve far more recognition than they will probably ever get, a story of characters who you will actually care about, and an overall production value that far exceeds it's budget.Whether you're a Batman fan or not doesn't really matter. I would suggest you watch this film.
Charlie Oldfield Terrible, just.... why would anyone make this? Not only is it a dreadful film but the very notion of giving the Joker a definitive origin spits in the face of every Batman fan. The point of Joker is he was born from chaos and you don't know where he came from, and where he came from doesn't matter. There's a reason DC always remain vague about his origins and leave it open to interpretation. Very stupid film. Clearly very low budget, which I don't want to hold against it, yet when you're struggling to hear dialogue and background noise is overbearing it's hard to ignore. Also the camera work and directing is atrocious. The only vaguely redeeming aspect is the acting which, while not great, does at least make watching it nearly almost a little bit bearable. Oh yeah, and it doesn't really have a soundtrack. Watch Gotham or something worthwhile instead.
ladymidath I am a huge fan of fan made films, many of them such as Patient J, Batman Dead End and The Bat In The Sun Productions are really great. But after watching Joker Rising, I have to say, it blew me away. A wonderful gritty and deeply moving film about the origins of the Joker. But this story is completely original. A wonderful addition to all the fine fan made films out there.To think that this film was made for an estimated $5,000 dollars, it's look and production looks like much more was spent on it. The acting was spot on and the actors actually made you care about the characters.Violent, deeply moving and yes, even heart wrenching at the end, this is a movie that will stay with you long after you have watched it.Kudos for a completely different take on how the Joker came into being and also a different look at some iconic characters from the Batman mythology.I hope to see more from director Alek Gearhart.
Sam Provance I have watched this film many times and each time I appreciate something new about it, realizing just how much thought and effort went into it. I absolutely love the creativity in changing up some of the traditional Batman trappings, beginning with the Joker's past itself, making for a more believable and relative experience. The soundtrack is engaging and well put together with the various sequences. The movie as a whole and especially the ending is very, very powerful. Thank you to all responsible for this masterpiece. I look forward with great anticipation the sequels said to be in production. You can count on my support and hope you get all that you need to make it all happen! Thank you for sharing your life and dreams with all of us so openly.
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