John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together
John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together
| 05 December 1979 (USA)
John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together Trailers

In this beloved holiday classic, Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy and all the Muppets join the singer for a heart-warming Christmas celebration, with traditional carols as well as lesser-known holiday songs.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Shawn Watson This 1979 special has John Denver and his not-quite-mop/not-quite-puppet friends sing a selection of Xmas songs amid a series of brief sketches. It's mostly musical, with a thin story stringing the songs together, but it works for the most part. The only bit I found to be boring was the long toy soldier segment. John Denver, despite hardly being hip with the kiddies of any generation, has a gentle voice and brings a cozy warmth to the show. He also seems to be genuinely find his interaction with the Muppets to be funny.It's never been aired again since 1979 and never been released on any home video format, but the soundtrack album has remained popular over the years. If you can find an old recording of the show then it is worth adding to your Muppet/Christmas special list.
walterzukowski One of the most memorable and enjoyable Christmas specials of its era. I remember it fondly and would love to have it on DVD so that I could watch it again. Like many others, I own a copy of the CD and faithfully listen to it every Christmas. But hearing the songs is only half the fun. Let someone out there take note and do whatever is necessary. For those who are interested in purchasing the CD I have a word of warning. There are two versions floating around out there, one with ten songs, another with thirteen. Be sure to purchase the latter rather than the former or you, like me, might end up feeling that you're missing something.
Tollpatsch A Christmas Together actually came before my time, but I've been raised on John Denver and the songs from this special were always my family's Christmas music. For years we had a crackling cassette made from a record that meant it was Christmas. A few years ago, I was finally able to track down a video of it on Ebay, so after listening to all the music for some 21 years, I got to see John and the Muppets in action for myself. If you ever get the chance, it's a lot of fun--great music, heart-warming and cheesy. It's also interesting to see the 70's versions of the Muppets and compare them to their newer versions today. I believe Denver actually took some heat for doing a show like this--I guess normally performers don't compromise their images by doing sing-a-longs with the Muppets, but I'm glad he did. Even if you can't track down the video, the soundtrack is worth it too. It has some Muppified traditional favorites, but also some original Denver tunes as well.
sweetadditions-hot this was a favorite Christmas Special that I wish that they would release on vhs or dvd , since my 33 RPM got lost,and any cassettes I made are also long gone.I am not even a big John Denver fan but was very impressed with the music , which was mostly traditional favorites with a muppet spin ( esp Little St. Nick ! ) It also contained a few little known songs ( original ? ).Even though it was done at the end of the '70's this show had a timeless feel to it. Hoping to find a copy soon !!!
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